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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.


Saint John Bosco has inspired thousands of people, young and old, priests, brothers, sisters and lay people, to strive for holiness in their lives. The Church has recognised many of them as outstanding in holiness and deserving the titles of Saint, Blessed, Venerable or Servant of God.

Blessed Eusebia Palermino Yenes 1899-1935

Blessed Eusebia Palermino Yenes 1899-1935

9th February

Eusebia Palermino Yenes was born on 15th December 1899 in Cantalpino. Spain. Her family were quite poor, and when her father wasn't working during the winter months, she would often accompany him to neighbouring towns to beg for food. It was during these moments that her father would teach Eusebia about catechism.

Eusebia first went to an all-girls school but left to look after her parents. She then would work in a wealthy household before working as a nanny then as an assistant in a hospice. She would regularly find herself in the Sancti Spiritus school chapel that the Salesian Sisters managed. Eusebia felt called to become a religious, and she joined the novitiate in 1924. She was sent to Valverde del Camino and was assigned to be a cook and domestic helper.

She was a very faithful person, and people would often come to her for advice, and in 1930 made her solemn profession. She predicted the Spanish Civil war and offered herself as a victim for Spain. Not too soon after that, she began to feel ill. She died on 10th February 1935.

She was declared venerable on 17th December 1996 and beatified by Pope John Paul II on 25th April 2004.

Her feast day is celebrated on the 9th February.

Saints & Blesseds