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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.


Diamond Jubilees for Fr Tom and Br John

Diamond Jubilees for Fr Tom and Br John

Posted: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 15:35

On Monday September the 9th, the Salesian family in Battersea gathered to celebrate the diamond jubilee of profession of Bro John Finegan and Fr Tom Williams who were professed in Burwash of September 8th 1959.

The celebration mass was led by Fr Tom and there was a shared homily between Bro John and Fr David O'Malley. We were delighted to welcome the Salesian Sisters from Orbel Street and the cooperators... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Salesians of Don Bosco

Three confreres celebrate 190 years as SDBs

Three confreres celebrate 190 years as SDBs

Posted: Wed, 11 Sep 2019 16:13

Fr Bob (70 years an SDB), Br Michael and Fr Michael (50 years each) renew their vows

Our Lady's birthday is always an important day in the Salesian Family, but Sunday 8 September this year was an extra special occasion in Bolton, as Fr Bob Coupe, Fr Michael Winstanley and Br Michael Winstanley celebrated a combined 190 years as Salesians of Don Bosco.

Fr Bob made his first vows 70 years ago, in 1949,... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Salesians of Don Bosco

Old Boys gather at Shrigley for the 2019 reunion.

Old Boys gather at Shrigley for the 2019 reunion.

Posted: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 14:49

Last weekend past pupils of the former Salesian Missionary College, Shrigley, gathered at their alma mater - now the Shrigley Hall Hotel and Spa, for their reunion. Around 30 Old Boys and their wives attended, with a record number coming down from Scotland this year, and one couple travelling all the way from New York.

Bernard O'Neill will write more about the event and their plans for the future in... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Salesians of Don Bosco

Good Luck, Farewell & Thank you to BOVA's Anita

Good Luck, Farewell & Thank you to BOVA's Anita

Posted: Thu, 5 Sep 2019 16:07

Anita with former BOVA volunteer, Peter

After seven years leading Bosco Volunteer Action (BOVA), our international volunteer programme, Anita Motha is moving on.

"It has been my privilege to work with and learn from so many wonderful volunteers, Salesians and colleagues both in the UK and around the world. The best part of my job has been the many interesting conversations and experiences had with people... Read More »

Tags: Bosco Volunteer Action, Homepage, Salesian Youth Ministry

Blessed Ceferino Namuncura

Blessed Ceferino Namuncura

Posted: Sun, 25 Aug 2019 17:07

On 26th August, the day of his birth in 1886, we remember Ceferino Namuncura, the 'Prince of the Pampas'. He was a Salesian student and aspirant, the son of the last great Chief of the Mapuches, the indigenous people of southern and central Chile and southern Argentina. His mother was a Chilean captive, one of the Chief's three consorts.

As a young boy, he witnessed the destruction of his people's way... Read More »

Tags: Don Bosco Publications, Homepage, Salesians of Don Bosco

Happy Birthday, Salesian Sisters!

Happy Birthday, Salesian Sisters!

Posted: Sun, 4 Aug 2019 18:01

On 5th August 1872, the first fifteen Salesian Sisters were clothed in their religous garments, and eleven of them (including St Mary Mazzarello) made their first professions. Don Bosco and the Bishop of Acqui were present on this joyful occasion at Mornese, Italy. Mother Mazzarello, who had worked with Don Bosco to establish the new society, was elected as their first superior on the same day. From... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Salesian Sisters

Celebrating Blessed Augustus Czartoryski

Celebrating Blessed Augustus Czartoryski

Posted: Thu, 1 Aug 2019 08:07

On 2nd August, we celebrate Blessed Augustus Czartoryski. Born a prince in Paris on this day in 1858, where his family lived in exile from Poland, he felt God's call to a simpler life, and against the wishes of his family, became a Salesian priest.

'Gucio', as he was called by his family, suffered from poor health from his childhood, and contracted TB from his mother, who died when he was six years... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Salesians of Don Bosco

Farewell to our young Polish Brothers!

Farewell to our young Polish Brothers!

Posted: Fri, 19 Jul 2019 05:43

This week, our schools and communities in Bootle and Bolton said farewell to Brs Lucas and Robert - young Salesians who have spent this year in school chaplaincy - as they return to Poland to continue their formation.

Photo: Mass at Savio Salesian College to say goodbye to Br Lucas; Br Robert with Bishop John, and altar servers from Thornleigh.

Fr Jakub, Chaplain at Savio Salesian College Bootle, writes:... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Salesians of Don Bosco, Vocation

Youth ministry team visits Salesians in Lebanon

Youth ministry team visits Salesians in Lebanon

Posted: Thu, 18 Jul 2019 18:51

A group from Great Britain's Salesian Youth Ministry visited Lebanon recently, where they took part in summer camps for refugee children and had the opportunity to share experience with their counterparts from Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. Photo: Sr Gill McCambridge

Sue McDonald, Sr Gill McCambridge, Georgina Hindley, Zach Pierce, Jack Lyons and Fr Bob Gardner travelled to Beirut to stay with the Salesian... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Salesian Youth Ministry

Good Samaritan Pilgrimage to Arundel

Good Samaritan Pilgrimage to Arundel

Posted: Wed, 17 Jul 2019 15:37

On June 26th, Ms Barnsley (History) and Fr Marco (Chaplaincy / RE) took nine pupils ranging in age from Year 8-10 on the annual Diocesan Secondary School Good Samaritan Pilgrimage to Arundel. Our trip by school minibus lasted the best part of an hour and a half, however, having departed at half past eight, we made it in good time to meet the other pilgrims.

We were greeted by the Bishop of Arundel &... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Salesian Schools, Salesian Youth Ministry, Salesians of Don Bosco