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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.


May the Church be a place of welcome

May the Church be a place of welcome

Posted: Mon, 4 Apr 2022 10:05

On the recent feast of St Joseph, an important letter was sent to all priests in the world by the Vatican. Over the past few years, Pope Francis has made an appeal to all clergy that they should 'smell of the sheep'—they need to be fully involved in their chosen mission and the lives of the people that they work with and for. The Holy Father constantly condemns the cult of clericalism that seeks... Read More »

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Walking the tightrope in the astounding Church

Walking the tightrope in the astounding Church

Posted: Thu, 31 Mar 2022 11:49

Pope Francis calls us to be part of an 'astounding Church', a Church that is going to make a difference, especially as we prepare to enter an era of the new normal.

A Church which is unable to ASTOUND is a Church that is weak, sick and dying, and that needs admission to the intensive care unit as soon as possible. (Pentecost Sunday 2014)

The Holy Father has told us that we must move on from the comfort... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Pope Francis, Reflection

Sunday Reflection - Fourth Sunday of Lent

Sunday Reflection - Fourth Sunday of Lent

Posted: Sat, 26 Mar 2022 15:21

Today our gospel is perhaps the most popular and well-loved parables of Jesus: the story of the 'Prodigal Son'--or even the tale of the 'Loving Father.' In this great parable of reconciliation, the Prodigal Son (see: Lk 15:11-32), we see the loving father embrace and welcome home a son who has betrayed his trust and spent all his inheritance. The return of this wastrel is celebrated by a party, as... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Lent, Sunday Reflection

Sunday Reflection - Third Sunday of Lent

Sunday Reflection - Third Sunday of Lent

Posted: Sat, 19 Mar 2022 15:57

At the start of this great journey towards Easter, on Ash Wednesday, we received ashes on our foreheads, as the minister prayed with us, 'repent and believe in the Gospel.' Today we are presented with the tragic figure of Moses: he had been brought up in the royal court of Pharaoh. He enjoyed luxury and privilege until he had to flee to the desert, after he had killed an Egyptian taskmaster. He recognised... Read More »

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Sunday Reflection - Second Sunday of Lent

Sunday Reflection - Second Sunday of Lent

Posted: Sat, 12 Mar 2022 13:31

Today we have Luke's account of Transfiguration—that special time when Jesus took Peter, James and John to the top of Mount Tabor. For the people of the Covenant, the mountain has special significance, as it is here that they feel close to God. In our first reading from the Book of Genesis, God makes a solemn promise with Abraham, our own father in faith. As we continue our journey through Lent,... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Lent, Sunday Reflection

Sunday Reflection - First Sunday of Lent

Sunday Reflection - First Sunday of Lent

Posted: Sat, 5 Mar 2022 08:22

On this first Sunday of Lent, Luke presents his version of the Temptation in the Desert. Like so many before him and since, Jesus makes the decision to go out into the desert: with no distraction, the Lord chose to spend forty days alone, in prayer and fasting. Last Wednesday we began our Lenten journey with a change of heart. It is good that we are faced with this picture of temptation so early on... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Lent, Sunday Reflection

Salesians - Help for Ukraine

Salesians - Help for Ukraine

Posted: Thu, 3 Mar 2022 12:04

The people of Ukraine are suffering untold privations at this time.

Many thousands have fled to the west and to countries such as Poland and other neighbours.

Salesians are working on the ground in Ukraine, hosting refugees and looking after vulnerable young people.

They are also working to support refugees who have arrived in Poland with little or nothing.

We are in solidarity with our Salesian brothers... Read More »

Tags: Homepage

Lenten Reflection - Ash Wednesday

Lenten Reflection - Ash Wednesday

Posted: Tue, 1 Mar 2022 13:41

Today marks the start of the season of Lent—the annual gift we share that enables each one of us to make a fresh and exciting start. As we clean out our homes during the annual spring clean, through prayer, fasting and good works, we can cleanse our lives of those things that keep us from developing a full relationship with God and others. Our Lent should also put us into an honest evaluation... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Lenten Reflection

Sunday Reflection - 8th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Sunday Reflection - 8th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Posted: Sat, 26 Feb 2022 09:31

In the year that has seen the scandal of a Downing Street aid defying the strict rules on lockdown by going on a drive to Barnard Castle, today's gospel has special relevance. Whatever your own position on the 'partygate' situation, the facts are that our elected leaders asked us to refrain from close social contact with family and friends at the height of the pandemic. All the while, the culture at... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Sunday Reflection

Knowing our Soul Friends

Knowing our Soul Friends

Posted: Tue, 22 Feb 2022 16:49

So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good. (Helen Keller)

Helen Keller was the world-famous deaf-blind activist, taught by one who saw her potential and helped her to realise it. Her teacher, Anne Sullivan refused to give up on her and helped her to achieve a BA degree from the world-famous Harvard University. Throughout her life she campaigned... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Reflection