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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.


Joining the Divine Dance of the Trinity

Joining the Divine Dance of the Trinity

Posted: Tue, 14 Jun 2022 15:11

Religion is one of the safest places to hide from God.

Humanity, you are all One.
You are one beloved community,
and you are one global sickness.
You are all contagious—and always have been,
unconsciously infecting and yet able to also bless one another.
There are no higher and lower in this world.
There is no smart or stupid; no totally right or totally wrong.
The only meaningful division is... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Reflection, Trinity

Photograph Reflections - Echoes for the Soul

Photograph Reflections - Echoes for the Soul

Posted: Fri, 10 Jun 2022 11:45

Echoes for the Soul is a new Facebook page that shares photographs from Fr Michael Winstanley SDB. Each weekday he will share a photograph from his extensive personal collection accompanied by a short reflection.

If you are interested in following Echoes for the Soul on Facebook, please follow this link

Tags: Facebook, Homepage, Reflections

Sunday Reflection - Trinity Sunday (Year C)

Sunday Reflection - Trinity Sunday (Year C)

Posted: Fri, 10 Jun 2022 10:36

I still have many things to say to you
but they would be too much for you.
But when the Spirit of truth comes
he will lead you to the complete truth

Many of us know the beautiful icon of the Trinity painted by the Russian monk, Rublev. It presents the three sitting around a table with the chalice of blessing. The fourth space around this square table is left deliberately open for you. On this Trinity... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Sunday Reflection

Sunday Reflection - Pentecost (Year C)

Sunday Reflection - Pentecost (Year C)

Posted: Sat, 4 Jun 2022 11:05

One of the amazing POSITIVE effects of being in lockdown due to Covid-19 was the sense of UNITY that it engendered. As a global family we are, literally, all in this together We have seen the very best of humanity in the most appalling of situations, as they continue to care on the frontline. We see the generosity of so many people as they offer the gift of compassion. In the pain and misery of the... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Pentecost, Sunday Reflection

Sunday Reflection - 7th Sunday of Easter (Year C)

Sunday Reflection - 7th Sunday of Easter (Year C)

Posted: Fri, 27 May 2022 11:20

Today we finish our reflection on Jesus' priestly prayer as recorded in John's gospel. The prayer he utters is as relevant today as it ever was: 'Father, May they be one in us, as you are in me, and I am in you.' Jesus is fully aware of the love that he shares in the family of the Trinity—it is a love that also transforms his human life, a love that makes the ultimate sacrifice on Calvary.

We... Read More »

Tags: Easter, Homepage, Sunday Reflection

Ascension of the Lord

Ascension of the Lord

Posted: Thu, 26 May 2022 10:42

When we gather to celebrate Ascension Day, we remember, in the most simple way, that Jesus returns home to be the family of the Trinity. After Resurrection Jesus re-connected with his friends and that friendship deepened and developed as the weeks passed. In the lockdown of the Upper Room, Jesus helped his disciples to move on from their grief and hurt to see the hope, encouragement, and light that... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Reflection

Ascension of the Lord - Going Home

Ascension of the Lord - Going Home

Posted: Wed, 25 May 2022 14:19

When we gather to celebrate Ascension Day, we remember, in the most simple way, that Jesus returns home to be the family of the Trinity. After the Resurrection, Jesus re-connected with his friends and that friendship deepened and developed as the weeks passed. In the lockdown of the Upper Room, Jesus helped his disciples to move on from their grief and hurt to see the hope, encouragement and light... Read More »

Tags: Ascension, Homepage, Reflection

New Salesian Cooperators

New Salesian Cooperators

Posted: Mon, 23 May 2022 09:43

On Saturday 21st May 2022, the Salesian Cooperators welcomed 3 new members. Lilly Parr, Danny Sweeney, and Ryan Wilkinson joined as Salesian Cooperators at Savio House other cooperators present including the Provincial Coordinator, Jessica Wilkinson.

We pray for them in their work and vocations as Salesian Cooperators.

Image: Br Ste Lloyd SDB

Tags: Cooperators, Homepage

Sunday Reflection - Sixth Sunday of Easter

Sunday Reflection - Sixth Sunday of Easter

Posted: Sat, 21 May 2022 16:57

As we continue the beautiful priestly prayer of Jesus, today we focus on something that is so needed in our world right now:

Peace, I leave you my own peace I give you. —a peace that the world cannot give you. (Jn 14:27)

From the horrors of the Ukraine to the rows between siblings, we are all too aware of the lack of peace in our lives. Biblical peace or 'shalom' is not just the absence of war,... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Reflection, Sunday

I hope you Dance

I hope you Dance

Posted: Thu, 19 May 2022 14:03

I suspect most of you are far too young to remember the school disco when we were all eager to dance with a particular partner, sitting anxiously on the side and only ending up in a general melee during the last five minutes. The country singer, Lee Ann Womack had a hit with 'I Hope You Dance'; it tells the tale of wonder and playing your part in the mystery that is life. It talks of hunger, love,... Read More »

Tags: Homepage, Reflection