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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.


Farnborough Students in Lourdes

Posted: Sat, 15 May 2010 11:59

During Easter Week 2010 fifty one sixth formers and fifteen staff members from Salesian College Farnborough and Alton Convent were "Called to Serve" pilgrims in Lourdes, especially the five thousand on the annual HCPT pilgrimage Trust for children and young people. They were led by Mr Patrick Wilson, Headmaster of Salesian College.

It was in 1992, nearly twenty years ago, that a small group of sixth... Read More »

Tags: Salesian Youth Ministry

Alex in the Philippines

Alex in the Philippines

Posted: Sat, 24 Apr 2010

Alex, a past-pupil of Salesian College Farnborough, was a volunteer in the Philippines.

Barangay Elections

It seems a century ago now that I sat in the same gym hall as I do now, writing this recollection. Yet in fact it was little over two months ago. I was new to both Mambucal and the Philippines but was lucky enough to come at a time when every person of voting age in the country was involved in choosing... Read More »

Tags: Bosco Volunteer Action

Jane in Mongolia

Jane in Mongolia

Posted: Sat, 24 Apr 2010

A fascinating extract from Jane's last email from Darkhan (Mongolia) - spending some time staying in a traditional Ger.

Last weekend I was invited by a co-worker to join her on a visit to her sister's family in the countryside. I jumped at this opportunity and also accepted the extended invitation to stay with her family for 2 nights (she was not going to brave the cold for an experience she grew up... Read More »

Tags: Bosco Volunteer Action

Lavoisier in Kenya

Lavoisier in Kenya

Posted: Sat, 24 Apr 2010

Lavoisier in Bosco Boys

This God of us is a funny God. One must expect the unexpected with God. There is so much that happens what one does not expect and in many ways really surprises me. My faith and relationship with God is sometimes so basic, doubtful, trying to reason out with my limited human reason of logic. God in many ways has a logic of his own, warmer and deeper than the detached logic of... Read More »

Tags: Bosco Volunteer Action

Provincial Chapter 2010

Provincial Chapter 2010

Posted: Mon, 5 Apr 2010

Every three years Salesian representatives from the UK meet for a Provincial Chapter to consider the situation in the Province and plan for the future. This year the Chapter was held during the Easter Holiday (5-9 April) at Worth Abbey in West Sussex, with accommodation in the boarding section of the Benedictine school.

Some of the participants, with Fr Michael Winstanley (Provincial) and Fr Martin... Read More »

Tags: Salesians of Don Bosco

Group 711 in Lourdes

Group 711 in Lourdes

Posted: Wed, 31 Mar 2010

During Easter Week 2010 fifty one sixth formers and fifteen staff members from Salesian College Farnborough and Alton Convent were 'Called to Serve' pilgrims in Lourdes, especially the five thousand on the annual HCPT pilgrimage for children and young people. They were led by Mr Patrick Wilson, Headmaster of Salesian College.

It was in 1992, nearly twenty years ago, that a small group of sixth form... Read More »

Tags: Salesians of Don Bosco

Student Voice 2010

Student Voice 2010

Posted: Fri, 19 Mar 2010

Students from Salesian College Battersea, Savio Salesian College Bootle, St John Bosco Arts College Croxteth, Thornleigh Salesian College Bolton and Salesian College Farnborough met from 19th-21st March 2010 at Savio House, Bollington for the 5th Salesian Student Leadership Gathering. Mr Stone from Farnborough, Ms Adams from Bootle, Ms Kendall from St John Bosco, Mr Regan and Mr Georgiou from Battersea... Read More »

Tags: Salesians of Don Bosco

Gospel Reflections for Lent: Year C Sunday 5

Posted: Sat, 13 Mar 2010

The Gospel reading chosen for the Fifth Sunday of Lent is an extract from John rather than from Luke. It is a passage which the scholars, based on early manuscript evidence and issues to do with vocabulary and style, maintain was not part of the original Fourth Gospel, but a later insertion. However, it is believed to have its origins in authentic early tradition, possibly in Johannine circles, though... Read More »

Tags: Salesians of Don Bosco

Business Secretary visits Chertsey

Business Secretary visits Chertsey

Posted: Mon, 8 Mar 2010

The Right Honourable Dr Vincent Cable MP, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, visited the Sixth Form of Salesian School Chertsey on Thursday 8th March, to deliver a talk to Business Studies students and to take a look at the recent work of the college's Young Enterprise teams.


Dr Vincent Cable with sixth form students

Dr Cable arrived after lunch and chatted with members... Read More »

Tags: Salesians of Don Bosco

Gospel Reflections for Lent: Year C Sunday 3

Posted: Tue, 2 Mar 2010

Last week, after the transfiguration, we left Jesus as he was about to commence his journey to Jerusalem for his exodus. That journey becomes the structural framework for the rest of Luke's presentation of his ministry. Several times Luke reminds his readers that Jesus is steadfastly journeying towards Jerusalem. The Gospel reading for this the third Sunday of Lent is a passage with which we are probably... Read More »

Tags: Salesians of Don Bosco