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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.


Life at Don Bosco Utume Community, Kenya

Life at Don Bosco Utume Community, Kenya

Posted: Thu, 13 Oct 2016 12:47

Last month, we said farewell to Fr Francis Preston SDB, as he left for Kenya. Here, he tells us about settling in to the life of the thriving Don Bosco Utume community.


It's four weeks since I arrived in Nairobi and joined the Don Bosco Utume Community, so perhaps an appropriate time for an update on how things have been since my arrival.

The Community have made me very welcome. There are... Read More »

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Blessing Battersea's pets in honour of St Francis

Blessing Battersea's pets in honour of St Francis

Posted: Mon, 10 Oct 2016 10:42

On Saturday 8th October, Sacred Heart parish opened its doors - in the name of St Francis - to animals!


They came in two by two to receive a blessing from the pastoral team leader: Fr Gerry O'Shaunessey SDB. It was lovely to see many dogs, cats and rabbits, as well as a tortoise - and a guinea pig called Gerry, feeling so comfortable in the church centre. The service was a very good... Read More »

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Fr Andrew is 'Local Heroes' Teacher of the Year!

Fr Andrew is 'Local Heroes' Teacher of the Year!

Posted: Fri, 7 Oct 2016 14:36

Father Andrew Ebrahim SDB has won the Eagle Radio 'Local Heroes' Teacher of the Year Award 2016.

For fifteen years, Father Andrew has been a dedicated RE teacher at Salesian School in Chertsey but he's much more than that. His nomination went as far as to say that he should receive "person of the century".

Fr Andrew received his award from Eagle Radio at the Salesian house at Farnborough. He is now in... Read More »

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Rector Major talks about Provincials' mid-term meetings

Rector Major talks about Provincials' mid-term meetings

Posted: Thu, 6 Oct 2016 14:12

The Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, recently introduced a new initiative which includes meeting with Provinicals half-way though their term of service. ANS Rome interviewed Fr Ángel to ask about his impressions of the first meeting.

"The goal we set ourselves was achieved perfectly." This was the Rector Major's positive evaluation of the meeting... Read More »

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Salesian Teachers: Don Bosco study tour, Turin

Salesian Teachers: Don Bosco study tour, Turin

Posted: Thu, 6 Oct 2016 13:53

Senior leaders from the Salesian schools attended a pilgrimage to Turin this month, led by Fr John Dickson SDB.

This was a special event aimed at the leaders in Salesian schools to deepen their understanding and knowledge of Salesian spirituality. Those involved were: Ged Owens Head teacher (Farnborough);
Nick Crean Senior leadership team (Farnborough); Clare Roberts Senior leadership team (SJB Liverpool);... Read More »

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Sr Anne Frances - Perpetual Profession

Sr Anne Frances - Perpetual Profession

Posted: Thu, 6 Oct 2016 13:48

On Saturday 24th September, the whole of Croxteth, so it seemed, came out in force to join us in celebrating Sr Anne France's Final Profession. Queen of Martyrs Parish Church was filled to the brim with over 200 people present; Anne France's family and relatives, her Sisters in the province, friends from her Lourdes day, past and present work colleagues, Vides volunteers, parishioners and of course... Read More »

Tags: Salesian Sisters



Posted: Mon, 3 Oct 2016 13:50

© Foundry Agency

Former Premier League Referee, Chris Foy joined Michelle Hinnigan, captain of Everton Ladies FC and her first team coach, Andy Spence to officially open St John Bosco Arts College's new £1m third generation (3G) artificial grass pitch (AGP) and changing room pavilion recently (Friday 23rd September). Ian Hussin, a local Select Group Assistant Referee, also assisted... Read More »

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Posted: Mon, 3 Oct 2016 12:36

'Make some Noise' 2016 - schools from all over the UK came together to Bolton to pray, to have great fun and to celebrate life - from London to Glasgow, Burnley to Chertsey, Liverpool to Widnes and so on...thanks to great hosts Thornleigh Salesian College and to the Salesian Youth Ministry department - with tons of support from Volunteers, friends and staff. Arriving Friday evening and staying through... Read More »

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Sacred Heart Battersea raises funds for Macmillan Cancer Support

Sacred Heart Battersea raises funds for Macmillan Cancer Support

Posted: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 13:32

Sacred Heart Parish, Battersea hosted a lively coffee morning recently to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. Fr Gerry O'Shaughnessy SDB (pictured below) tells us how it went.

The event was part of the largest coffee morning in the world sponsored by M&S to gain funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. A huge number of home baked and bought cakes were brought in by parishioners and while it is... Read More »

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Sr Cecily Dunne's ashes laid to rest

Sr Cecily Dunne's ashes laid to rest

Posted: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 14:02

On the 17th September at 11.30 a small group of the Salesian family gathered to lay to to rest the ashes of Sr Cecily Dunn FMA who died on May 24th after a three week period of illness.

The service took place at Alvin's funeral directors memorial garden which lies directly across the road from the Don Bosco Centre where Sr Cecily had worked for over thirty years. The service was led by Sr Pat Devine... Read More »

Tags: Salesian Sisters