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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.


Farnborough prepares for HCPT Pilgrimage

Farnborough prepares for HCPT Pilgrimage

Posted: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 17:26

On Saturday 4th February, Year 12 students from Salesian College Farnborough spent the day rehearsing for liturgies during the HCPT Easter Pilgrimage to Lourdes.

This year the West Country Region is responsible for providing music for the Trust Mass in the Underground Basilica, Torchlight Procession and other events during the week. As they are a small region, without a large youth group, they called... Read More »

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Savio Salesian students support local hospice

Savio Salesian students support local hospice

Posted: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 15:42

(Pictured: Students (l-r); Michael, Kieron, Megan and Beth with teachers (l-r); Mrs Harrison, Mr Kearney, Salesian Provincial Fr Gerry Briody SDB

and Mr Bennett donating their latest cheque of £445 to with Laura Smith, community fundraiser at St Joseph's Hospice.)

Students and teachers from Savio Salesian College, in Bootle, have been dedicated to raising money for patients at St Joseph's Hospice,... Read More »

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Chertsey students prepare with BOVA

Chertsey students prepare with BOVA

Posted: Fri, 3 Feb 2017 14:06


To prepare for their upcoming trip to India to visit Don Bosco Ashalayam Kolkata, the sixth form group from Chertsey spent some time working with Anita from Bosco Volunteer Action (BOVA) .


The group focussed on reflecting on their motivations for wanting to go on a trip like this and what they might be able to build on from the experience. The group also spent time learning more... Read More »

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The Bosco Centre - Nursery to FE - continuing the vision

The Bosco Centre - Nursery to FE - continuing the vision

Posted: Fri, 3 Feb 2017 13:40

(Photo: The Bosco Centre)

Sister Cecily Dunn FMA had an ambitious vision for the Bosco Centre, the project she founded to offer a nursery, school, college and more to the young people of Bermondsey.

Following her sad and unexpected death, the leadership was taken on by principal Darren Coghlan, who is working to connect the Bosco Centre with the wider network of Salesian schools and is initiating more... Read More »

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Don Bosco Day in Battersea

Don Bosco Day in Battersea

Posted: Fri, 3 Feb 2017 13:09


Above: Chris and Analisa cut the Don Bosco cake kindly donated by Michael Oxenford.


The Salesian family gathered for prayer and a buffet on Don Bosco's feastday. There were over forty involved from the youth network including cooperators, BOVA, Signposts, both our parishes, members of the chaplaincy group and staff from the schools. Fr Gerry led a service using a song from 'school... Read More »

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New Salesian Cooperator enrolled in Huyton

New Salesian Cooperator enrolled in Huyton

Posted: Fri, 3 Feb 2017 12:33

We were very privileged to have Salesian Provincial Fr Gerry Broidy SDB, carry out his first enrolment in Huyton, for new Salesian Cooperator, John Ferguson.

Fr Tony, our Delegate, had arranged this as Fr Gerry was in Bootle on his visitation. We had a special Prayer service printed out, getting us in the Spirit, and as John made his promise with our support, the rest of us renewed our promises in the... Read More »

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I was in prison and you visited me' - volunteers reflect on family visit day

I was in prison and you visited me' - volunteers reflect on family visit day

Posted: Fri, 3 Feb 2017 10:14

Four years ago, James Trewby, formerly of BOVA and now the Columban Missionaries Justice and Peace Education Worker, in collaboration with charities involved with London prisons, began organising opportunities for service and learning in prisons at Christmas. Volunteers participate in Christmas family visit days in prison. These are THE Christmas visit for families with young children, so our number... Read More »

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We 'dare to share' news from our Missions Office!

We 'dare to share' news from our Missions Office!

Posted: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 16:36

We were intrigued by the title of the recent meeting of Salesian Mission Offices in Rome 'Dare to Share', so a chat with Fr Kieran Anderson, our Mission Director, was in order.

Fr Kieran explained that this theme is applicable on so many levels. As the first task of the Mission Office is to make the work of the Salesian Missions known to the Salesian Family and the Church, sharing news of the many good... Read More »

Tags: Salesian Missions, Salesians of Don Bosco

Bootle: Looking at our kids through Don Bosco's eyes

Bootle: Looking at our kids through Don Bosco's eyes

Posted: Wed, 25 Jan 2017 14:41

Last week, I visited Savio Salesian College, Bootle, near Liverpool to talk to Mike Bennett (pictured above), Associate Assistant Headteacher (SLE), Head of RE and Chaplaincy Team member, about their 21st Century take on Church, School, Playground and Home.

Entering the bright, warm environment of the Salesian secondary school in Bootle and seeing the smiling, smartly turned-out students, it's clear... Read More »

Tags: Bootle, Homepage, Salesian Schools, Salesians of Don Bosco

Social Communcations - balancing realism and optimism

Social Communcations - balancing realism and optimism

Posted: Wed, 25 Jan 2017

In response to Pope Francis' recent call for a greater focus on good news, we are actively seeking out stories that show hope, loving kindness and positive achievement - which are all very Salesian of course! We're sharing these stories on social media with the hashtag #GoodNews, and we'd like you to join us and share your #GoodNews stories too.

In his recent message for World Communcations Day, Pope... Read More »

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