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As winter's grip tightens over the landscape, bringing frosty mornings, shorter days and the crunch of snow underfoot, we have the gift of Christmas in December. If you're struggling for gifts or religious Christmas cards for your loved ones, have a look at our bookshop for some ideas.

Last day for ordering in time for Christmas is Monday 16 December.

Salesian Sisters' Oratory Launch

Salesian Sisters' Oratory Launch

Posted: Wed, 7 Feb 2024 14:33

  • Salesian Sisters' Oratory Launch
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On Monday 5th February, the Salesian Sisters launched their new Oratory in Easterhouse, Glasgow.

The first week has been a great success with the young people that came along each day, having fun playing games, sharing their musical skills, and chatting with Sr Gill, Sr Anne Frances and Sr Bernadette.

Every evening ends with a traditional Salesian Goodnight

Hopefully the oratory will grow, with the young people attending regularly and encouraging their friends to come along and join in the fun!

Tags: Homepage, Salesian Sisters