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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

DBYN - General Executive Body Meeting - Rome, Italy

DBYN - General Executive Body Meeting - Rome, Italy

Posted: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 10:54

  • DBYN - General Executive Body Meeting - Rome, Italy

From Thursday 12th-Sunday 15th October 2023, the General Executive Body (GEB) met in Rome, for its extraordinary meeting.

16 member organisations from 14 countries met to discuss the activities happening in the network and to learn more about the work of the TGS Nazionale organisation, and to visit the rooms of Don Bosco where he stayed next the Sacro Cuore near to Rome's Termini station.

The group were staying at the Salesian House, behind the Basilica of Santa Maria Ausiliatrice, which is where the Rector Major has just apppointed Cardinal-Deacon.

Saturday was understanding the work of the member organisations since the last meeting in March, and where DBYN can fit into that work. There was also an update about where the Working Group on Safeguarding was up to with its work, and the exciting 'fun with numbers' part of the meeting.

Then in the afternoon, after finishing their terms of 3 years, the GEB had to elect its' new Administrative Body and President for the next three years.
Thankfully, the incumbent president was re-elected, so Niklas Gregull, will continue to lead DBYN until 2026.

After a short presentation from the Members that wanted to join, 4 members were elected which were:

  • Aktionzentrum - Germany
  • Bosco Base - The Netherlands
  • Salesian Youth Ministry GBR - Great Britain
  • Turismo Giovanile e Sociale - Italy

They will work for the next three years looking after the administration of the network.

We wish them the best as they work in collaboration for the needs of the network.

Images courtesy of Turismo Givanile e Sociale (TGS Nazionale)

Tags: Homepage, Salesian Youth Ministry, Salesians of Don Bosco