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The Decree of Venerability of the Servant of God Antônio De Almeida Lustosa, SDB, "An athlete of the spirit" has been published

The Decree of Venerability of the Servant of God Antônio De Almeida Lustosa, SDB, "An athlete of the spirit" has been published

Posted: Thu, 20 Jul 2023 15:33

The Decree of Venerability of the Servant of God Antônio De Almeida Lustosa, SDB, "An athlete of the spirit" has been published

(ANS – Vatican City) – The Dicastery for the Causes of Saints has passed on to the Postulator General of the Causes of Saints for the Salesian Family, Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, the Decree by which, on 22 June 2023, the Supreme Pontiff Francis declares that "The theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity towards God and neighbour, the cardinal virtues of Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance and other related virtues, were practised to a heroic degree by the Servant of God Antônio De Almeida Lustosa, of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco, Archbishop of Fortaleza." The Decree is signed by the Prefect of the Dicastery, Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, and by the Secretary, Bishop Fabio Fabene.

The decree begins with the words "In the shadow of your wings." This biblical quotation, found in several psalms and chosen by Archbishop Antônio De Almeida Lustosa as his episcopal motto, well illustrates the testimony of the virtuous life of the Servant of God who placed his trust in God his refuge, and lived an intense union with him, the source of his tireless and fruitful pastoral activity.

After briefly covering the stages of the life of the great Salesian Archbishop, the Decree summarises the passages that accompanied the Cause of Beatification: by virtue of his reputation for holiness, the Diocesan Inquiry was celebrated at the Archiepiscopal Curia in Fortaleza (Brazil) from 14 August 1993 to 14 August 2001, the validity of which was recognised by the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints with a Decree on 2 May 2003. Once the Positio was prepared, it was submitted to examination by the Theological Consultors on 8 November 2022. The Ordinary Session of the Cardinals and Bishops was held on 20 June 2023, and Pope Francis declared him Venerable on the 22 June 2023.

The spiritual and pastoral profile of the new Venerable of the Church is well expressed by these words spoken by Fr Pasquale Liberatore, at that time Postulator General, on the occasion of the nineteenth anniversary (1993) of the death of the Servant of God: "He was a great ascetic (also from an external perspective: "wrapped in air" was how his physical person was described), but with an adamantine will which translated the fire that burned within him. Thanks to this inner strength, he was able to carry out exceptional work, leaving an imprint in so many areas: a passionate researcher of the truth, a serious scholar, writer and poet who established so many works: the Cure of Ars pre-seminary, the Cardinal Frings Institute, the São José hospital, the Nossa Senhora de Fátima shrine, the Assunção Cearense radio station, the Casa do Menino Jesus schools, workers' groups, etc. and above all – he was the founder of a religious Congregation. Both great yet simple, he knew how to ensure that the bishops' many commitments could also include catechism to little ones and – in the final years of his life – his erudite lessons in Latin with a humble stamp collection. A zealous pastor, he loved his people, never left his flock, felt the urgent need for vocations and filled his seminaries with them. He was always a Salesian at heart. "An eternal Salesian," he told himself Already a Director of novices as a newly ordained priest, he remained a forger of souls in the Salesian style throughout his life. An ascetic, I said initially. In fact, he epitomised the motto left to us by Don Bosco: work and temperance. The secret of his holiness is to be found in his abhorrence of all forms of mediocrity. He was an athlete of the spirit – perhaps that's why we love to remember him 'always on his feet' (although in recent years he was confined to a wheelchair). 2 Always on his feet! Even today. Like someone who continues to teach us a lesson. The most difficult and most demanding lesson: holiness.

Image from SDB.org

Tags: Salesian Saints, Salesians of Don Bosco