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Annual Walk for Sean

Annual Walk for Sean

Posted: Mon, 20 Mar 2023 13:24

Annual Walk for Sean

On Sunday 5th March 2023, the annual event 'The Walk for Sean' took place. The event is held each year to raise money for the 'Sean Devereux children's fund'

At the time of writing, this important fundraiser has raised £3333 and we are confident of more sponsorship/donations to come. As a rough guide, £3333 can help to give a year's education to more than 30 children in Liberia.

Once again, it was a great family day as over 100 people (plus almost as many dogs) walked a 5km route that started at the Sean Devereux 6th Form Centre in the College.

It was lovely and very fitting that Brother Michael Delmer, Sean's Headteacher and biographer, fired the "starting pistol" for the Walk that marked the 30th Anniversary of Sean's death. We were also really pleased that members of Sean's immediate family, Maureen, Theresa and Rosie could join us on the day.

It was also great to see Patrick Manion, now 97 years old, who travelled with his son to support the work on the day. He is pictured in a photograph with Maureen Devereux, Sean's mother.

Such an event could not happen without the help of many people:

To those who undertook the "30 for 30" challenge

To our patron, Raquel Cassidy, who walked the walk on the day

To all the school staff who helped set up and took part in the Walk

To the young volunteer team of 15 student marshalls who kept us safe on the day

To the Salesian PTA who gave up their Sunday afternoon to provide much appreciated refreshments

To Laura Chatterton for her photos

To all walkers, sponsors, donors and other volunteers.

What an achievement and one that really honours Sean's legacy!

Thank you to staff, students and parents at the College for your continued support.

To learn more about the fundraiser and the Sean Devereux Children's fund, you can visit their website

Image from Salesian College, Farnborough

Tags: Farnborough, Homepage, Sean Devereux