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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

Salesian Vocations Team

Salesian Vocations Team

Posted: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 11:31

Salesian Vocations Team

Fostering vocations to the Salesians of Don Bosco can be challenging, especially in the climate that we live in today. All of us in the Province have the responsibility of promoting and encouraging vocations to the Salesian way of life by sharing our charism and mission with the young people we meet. We all have the responsibility to pray for vocations and create a style of community living that will encourage others to join.

The unique mission of the Provincial Vocations Team is to foster vocations as part of the Provincial Youth Ministry Team, under the direction of the Provincial. As a Team we are called to promote, encourage, and nurture lay and ordained vocations within the rapidly changing context of the national and local church. The Team will:

  • See to ensure that vocational opportunities will ensure that the people God is calling are released into opportunities with appropriate support, accompaniment, and training.
  • Continuing to deepen the discipleship journeys of all God's people and increase the number and variety of Christian leaders who can lead God's people especially by sharing the Salesian charism.
  • In introducing more people to God whilst they take their active part in seeking God's justice in the world, especially for the young.

On the feast of Don Bosco 2023, the Provincial Vocations Team has been established by the Provincial, Fr Gerry Briody SDB. Membership will be:

  • Fr Gregory Echegwo SDB
  • Bro Nhan Le SDB
  • Deacon Steven Lloyd SDB
  • Fr Gerry O'Shaughnessy SDB - Vocations Promoter
  • Bro Godwill Togbe SDB

"Vocations are intended by God to manifest his love"-Thomas Merton

Vocation means to be called to some activity that touches the deepest purpose of your life. It is a call to a relationship of self-giving that also gives meaning and direction to your journey in life. For Salesians, the sense of being called is experienced through a concern for the needs of young people. The roots of that concern are often buried in the experience of family, friends, and school. Since God calls us through experience, finding God's will for us (a vocation) means looking at our experience of life and listening for the deeper themes and energy that move us towards a Gospel way of living. There are many Salesian vocations: to youth ministry, family life, education and many more. Religious life, living in community, is just one way of living a Salesian Spirituality. Discerning a Salesian vocation therefore involves a search through these many ways of being Salesian.

Nothing done in a huge rush or impulsively is ever done really well—St Francis de Sales

In Salesian Vocation Ministry, we are aware that there are no easy fixes: we are in this for the long haul—our ministry is a marathon and not a sprint. We will encourage fellow Salesians to share their own vocation stories in communities, parishes, schools, youth clubs, and other youth ministry contexts.

Although not exhaustive, we will explore the following areas:

  • Offering Salesian-style retreat experiences to our parish/school network
  • Having a 'Salesian Information Stall' at school open days or for our parishes
  • Holding day gatherings for young people who might be considering a vocation - in this way they can meet up with others of a like mind
  • Offering community experiences for older contacts
  • Encouraging vocation prayer groups in parishes and communities
  • Offering to lead SDB recollection days or evenings
  • Offering to lead recollection days for Cooperators and members of the Salesian family
  • Leading the Vocations days in parishes
  • Leading a prayer service at the annual retreat
  • Renew the provincial Vocations Website
  • Renew vocations publicity materials
  • To engage with Serra, Knights of St Columba, Catenians, and other Catholic organisations to promote Salesian life
  • To use established Salesian publication links (Don Bosco Today/RuaLink etc) to share Salesian vocation stories
  • To work with publications from our parishes and schools to share Salesian vocation stories
  • To actively engage with all forms of media to promote Salesian vocations
  • To work closely with University Catholic Chaplaincies, especially those in Salesian care

We look forward to your feedback, support, and encouragement in this essential area of Salesian Youth Ministry.

The Team would be delighted to lead a Vocations Awareness Recollection for your community, school, parish, or Co-operators group.

A big thank you must go to David O'Malley SDB and his Team for their dedication and hard work—we are building this ministry on the shoulders of giants.

God bless and have a very happy feast day

Gerry O'Shaughnessy SDB—Vocations Animator GBR

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