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Sunday Reflection - The Baptism of the Lord (Year A)

Sunday Reflection - The Baptism of the Lord (Year A)

Posted: Thu, 5 Jan 2023 13:11

Sunday Reflection - The Baptism of the Lord (Year A)

Today we celebrate the feast of Baptism of Jesus, which might seem strange. I remember an old Bishop getting up to preach on this feast when I was at school; "we don't know why Jesus was baptised," he began, "but thank God he was!" Funnily enough I cannot remember anything else about the sermon, but it did make me wonder why the perfect one needed a baptism of forgiveness. In Matthew's account in today's Gospel, we are presented with the great Advent Saint, John the Baptist. He recognises that the request of Jesus is totally unusual: Jesus should be baptising him! The incarnation shows that the God life does not follow the same rule book. Incarnation proves that we have not always done things 'this way'! Today we are presented with the sense of 'expectancy' which is so typical of this time of year. We are excited to think of the new possibilities that we might be able to share. If you are like me, then you realise all the wonderful opportunities that we wasted in 2022, and we pray that 2023 will be so much better. With the people of Judea, we can share a sense of excitement and potential.

John is seen as the humble one, not even worthy to undo the sandal straps of Jesus. He symbolically uses water as sign of the refreshing forgiveness of God, while the Messiah will bring the gift the Holy Spirit to transform the world. In the meantime, Jesus, the sinless one enters the water and fully identifies with those seeking forgiveness from God. This is a true sign of the strength of incarnation. These past few weeks have been a non-stop rollercoaster of Christmas, but now, as the decorations come down, with no tinsel or lights to distract us, we can really concentrate on the reality of incarnation in our lives. God does not stand on the side-lines or on the banks of the Jordan, but chooses to be fully involved and immersed in the life of the world. Jesus did not sin but needed to identify himself with all of humanity — all of humanity, not just all the good things in the world, but the burden of all sin, wars, desolation, pandemics, and all the awful things that have happened down through the centuries — he carries that with him. He will be one with human beings, sharing in their greatness, but also in their grief. He does that, so that walking out of the water, he has accepted our humanity and shares with us his divinity. He is the Son, our brother; we are the daughters and sons of a loving Father. In that rising out of the water, his Father can look down and exclaim, "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased." In this feast we have yet another Epiphany or revelation of who Jesus is: the BELOVED of God who invites us all in to share that love.

Today is that challenge for each of us to be equally involved in the life of the world. Sadly, there are those Christians who can only see the world as some sort of evil place that we should have nothing to do with. With such an attitude, Church then becomes some sort of sanctuary, a 'spiritual Disneyland' where we can escape to on a Sunday. Genesis, the very first book of the bible reminds us of the GOODNESS of creation. We are called to share that goodness with those we meet during this week.

Please do not stand on the side-lines this week—get involved. The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord is a day for us to give thanks to God for all his wonderful gifts. We thank him above all for the gift of his Son our Lord Jesus Christ; for all his redeeming work; for the gift of our baptism into him. Today is an ideal time to renew, as a family, your baptismal vows—so often made for us when we were infants. Share with your children and grandchildren the beauty of their baptismal day—bring out the photographs and remind them who their Godparents are. If you are a Godparent, why not contact your God-child—show them that that you still care. After mass today why not visit the baptismal font, usually found at the entrance of your church as a symbol of welcome into the community. You can always place a bowl of water on your home altar if you are joining online. Today is also an occasion for us to renew our resolution not to cast all these gifts away; not to be careless with the treasures we have received. Today we commit ourselves once again to conversion of heart; to putting away from us our habits of sin; to live as befits the blessed children of God. We need to be in dialogue with the global community more than ever in these days as we move on—we can only progress together. Pope Francis encourages this approach:

This is important: to get to know people, listen, expand the circle of ideas. The world is crisscrossed by roads that come closer together and move apart, but the important thing is that they lead towards the Good.


Author: Fr Gerry O'Shaughnessy SDB

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

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