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I Believed, I Promised, I was Healed - Saint Artemide Zatti

I Believed, I Promised, I was Healed - Saint Artemide Zatti

Posted: Fri, 14 Oct 2022 13:07

  • I Believed, I Promised, I was Healed - Saint Artemide Zatti

On Saturday 8th October, the Salesian Family met in the St Paul VI Audience Hall in the Vatican City, to start the celebrations of the Canonisation of Artemide Zatti. When we got to the Vatican, and through security, we were ushered into the St Paul VI audience hall. It's very striking to see the ceiling and the two stained glass windows on either end of the hall. Once we had taken our seats along with the other 3000 people there, the Rector Major came out with the General council and Salesian Bishops and Cardinals, and some of the Provincials.

The Rector Major led us in Mass and in his Homily, he spoke about the kindness of the work of Br Zatti. Br Zatti committed his life to helping the poor and the sick and would see Jesus in the orphans and sick. His prayerful commitment started when he prayed to be cured of Tuberculosis through the intercession of Mary Help of Christians. The tagline for his canonisation was what he said at the unveiling of the funerary monument of Fr Evasio Garrone, who was praying with Br Zatti at the time of him asking to be cured of Tuberculosis. Br Zatti would say "I believed, I promised, I was healed". And that was the dedication of Br Zatti to helping the poor, sick and most needy.

After the Mass had finished, we heard testimonies from people who had either known Br Zatti, or had prayed to Br Zatti, and had miracles through the intercession of Br Zatti.

Then we had an audience with Pope Francis. Pope Francis recalled four perspectives of Br Zatti. As a migrant, his "Kinship", as a Salesian coadjutor and that he is an intercessor for vocations. You can read what Pope Francis said here.

We then spent a bit of time in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Rome, taking some time to visit the place where Don Bosco wrote the Letter from Rome in 1884 and spend some time in prayerful reflection on the events of the day.

On Sunday 9th October, was the day of the Canonisation of Artemide Zatti and Giovanni Battista Scalabrini. The sun shone as we walked through St Peter's square to the area we had been allocated to sit at. We were sat with members of the Salesian family and pilgrims that had travelled to see Fr Scalabrini canonised. There was a special prayerful but celebratory feeling among everyone, knowing that we were going to witness something very special. There was a great round of applause when Pope Francis came out to say the Mass. In his homily, Pope Francis focused on "Walking together and Giving thanks". Fr Scalabrini founded the Order of St Charles Borromeo, which walked with emigrants from Italy into the Americas. And Zatti gave thanks by taking the wounds of other upon himself. You can read more about what Pope Francis said here.

As the Mass concluded, Pope Francis got into the 'PopeMobile' and was driven round St Peter's square blessing the crowds that had assembled for the Canonisation. Then the crowds started to leave the Vatican City. A few of us were lucky and were invited to have lunch with the Pope after the service. Others went to meet with friends that we hadn't been able to see for years. But it was a brilliant time for us all to be there. It was a special occasion to witness, a Salesian Coadjutor becoming a Saint.

Photo of Artemide Zatti Tapestry: ©InfoANS.org

All other photos: ©Salesian Link/DEARDEN

Tags: Artemide Zatti, Homepage, Salesian Saint