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Artemide Zatti - Our new Salesian Saint

Artemide Zatti - Our new Salesian Saint

Posted: Fri, 2 Sep 2022 09:28

Artemide Zatti - Our new Salesian Saint

Brother Artemide Zatti, is soon to be our newest Salesian Saint. He will be canonised at the Vatican by Pope Francis on October 9th.

But who is Artemide Zatti?

Artemide Zatti was born in Italy in 1880. Growing up with his parents, and 7 siblings, Artemide went to school, but had to drop out at the age of 9, and work for a wealthy neighbour in their farm. However, the family were forced by poverty to emigrate to Argentina.

The Zatti family ended up living in an area that wasn't very open to Catholics and religion. Although, this is where Brother Zatti met the Salesians. Eventually making friends with Fr Cavalli who was the Parish Priest. Fr Cavalli was the main influence for Artemide joining the Salesian life.

In 1900, Artemide joined the Salesian College in Argentina to start his journey towards joining the Salesian congregation. While he was studying, he also looked after another priest, Fr Ernesto Giuliani, who was suffering with Tuberculosis. It was while looking after this Fr Giuliani, that Artemide also contracted Tuberculosis. At the time, Tuberculosis was incurable, and people often died from it. Artemide was moved to Viedma in Rio Negro, Argentina, where the Salesians ran a hospital. There, Artemide met Fr Garrone who ran the St Francis Pharmacy. One day while they were both praying in chapel, Fr Garron invited Artemide to pray to intercession of Mary Help of Christians to be cured. Soon after, Artemide was able to recover from the fatal disease. He would later go on to say, "I believed, I promised, I was healed".

Artemide committed himself to working with the sick and the poor. And in 1908, Artemide made his first vows as a Salesian, and made his perpetual profession in 1911. After he made his perpetual profession, he committed himself to the work of the Hospital and pharmacy. But he did also work in the neighbouring towns and suburbs. And news of his faithful work spread all over, and a lot of sick people travelled to him from all over Patagonia. Sometimes choosing to be in his care instead of a doctor's.

Artemide was a man that had a great amount of affection and sympathy, treating everyone he met with great respect and admiration. His faith in God radiated from him, and people have said that they started believing in God, once they had met Brother Zatti.

Unfortunately, in July 1950, Artemide fell from a ladder while trying to fix a water tank. Which subsequently led to the discovery of liver cancer. And while he did what he could to help, he returned to hospital in January 1951, until he passed away in March 1951.

Brother Artemide Zatti's exceptional goodness and work has led to sainthood, and he is going to be our first Brother Saint of the Salesian Congregation, that isn't a Martyr.

There is much more information about his life in our Pocketbook "Blessed Brother Artemides Zatti" and this dedicated website www.zatti.org

Prayer cards are available to buy through Don Bosco Publications

Below, is also a short film about his life, made by the Salesian Bulletin in Argentina.

Tags: Homepage, Salesian Saint, Zatti