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GCSE results day in our Salesian Schools

GCSE results day in our Salesian Schools

Posted: Fri, 26 Aug 2022 11:42

GCSE results day in our Salesian Schools

Yesterday, Thursday 25th August, students around the UK received their GCSE results. Grades are marked using a numbering system where 9 is the top grade, 1 is the lowest classified grade, and 4 is considered a pass. Nationally, 73.2% of all students received a grade of 4 and above.

Salesian College in Farnborough parents, boys and teachers were extremely proud and excited to receive outstanding GCSE results on Thursday morning 25 August 2022. Students at Salesian College have, however, surpassed previous levels of attainment with 89% of students achieving grades 9-7.

Equally outstanding was that 95 of the boys in Year 11 achieved at least ten grades 9-4 including English and Maths each!
61% of all grades were 7-9
94% of all grades were 5-9
69% of students achieved at least 5 grades 7-9 including Maths and English.
The top performing students this year were Angelo A., George C. and John M. who each achieved the perfect score of 10 top grades (10x 9). Ruben R., Edward S. and Joshua Y. all attained 9x9 & 1x8 closely followed by Alberto B-G, James B., Duncan M-B. and Archie M. (8x9 & 2x8). These top ten students only reflect the pinnacle of the excellent work of all of those students who have done very well and who should be very pleased and proud of their achievements.

Salesian College in Chertsey, had incredible results with 54% of all grades 9-7 (A*-A) (nationally 25.1% of grades were at this level) and 87% of grades from 9-5. A record breaking results year from a wonderful group of students.

Thornleigh Salesian College has achieved their 'best ever' results, with record numbers of students gaining grade 5 or above passes in their GCSE's.
As many as 73 per cent of students gained 4 plus in English and maths, and 58 per cent gained 5 plus.

St John Bosco College, Battersea shared some success stories of students to share on their Twitter

Images from: Salesian College, Farnborough; Salesian School, Chertsey; St John Bosco College, Battersea; and Thornleigh Salesian College, Bolton

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