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Artemides Zatti to become a Saint

Artemides Zatti to become a Saint

Posted: Tue, 30 Aug 2022 10:12

Artemides Zatti to become a Saint

On Saturday 27th August, Pope Francis and the consistory, announced the Canonisation date for Artemides Zatti to be the 9th October. From ANS, here is the process for the cause of beatification and canonization of the Salesian coadjutor Artemides Zatti.

(ANS - Rome) - Beatification is the intermediate step towards Canonization. For this it is necessary that a miracle due to the concerned person's intercession be recognised. For canonization to take place, i.e. for the person to be declared a saint, the Blessed must be attributed the efficacious intercession of a second miracle that occurred after Beatification.

In view of the Beatification

  • After the Holy See granted the Nulla osta on 1 June 1979, the Diocesan Inquest was held at the Episcopal Curia of Viedma (Argentina) from 22 March 1980 to 17 May 1982.
  • On 14 December 1984, the Rescript on the Validity of the Diocesan Inquiry was issued.
  • The Positio super virtutibus was delivered in 1991.
  • The Peculiar Congress of Theological Consultors, held on 25 October 1996, gave a positive answer to the doubts regarding the heroic virtues of the Servant of God. The Ordinary Session of the Cardinals and Bishops of 8 April 1997, pronounced in the same sense.
  • On 7 July 1997, St John Paul II authorised the Congregation to promulgate the Decree on the heroic virtues of Artemide Zatti.
  • The extraordinary event for beatification occurred on 18 April 1980 in favour of a young Salesian. It concerned the unexpected and inexplicable recovery from 'severe infectious complications following purulent appendicitis, with multiple abdominal and pleural localisations; generalised sepsis and polymicrobial aetiology; state of severe immune anergy'.
  • The Diocesan Inquest into the miracle was held at the Ecclesiastical Curia in Buenos Aires from 14 April to 14 May 1998. The Congregation for the Causes of Saints recognised the juridical validity of this Inquest with a decree of 20 November 1998.
  • On 9 March 2000, the Medical Council judged the fact to be scientifically unexplainable.
  • With a positive outcome, the case was then examined by the Theological Consultants on 27 October 2000.
  • At the Ordinary Session of 6 February 2001, the Most Eminent Cardinals and the Most Excellent Bishops recognised it as a true miracle, attributed to the intercession of Artemide Zatti.
  • The promulgation of the Super-Miro Decree took place on 24 April 2001.
  • The solemn beatification was celebrated by St John Paul II in St Peter's Square on 14 April 2002.

In view of the Canonisation

  • The Postulator presented the case of miraculous recovery from 'right cerebellar ischaemic stroke complicated by massive haemorrhagic lesion' in August 2016.
  • The Diocesan Inquest was held at the Lipa Ecclesiastical Tribunal in the Philippines from 4 to 10 March 2018. The legal validity of this Inquest was granted by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints on 1 June 2018.
  • The Medical Council meeting held on 1 July 2021 recognised the scientific inexplicability of the case examined.
  • On 16 December 2021, the Theological Consultors unanimously decided on the miracle and its attribution to the intercession of Blessed Artemis Zatti. The Ordinary Session of Cardinals and Bishops came to the same conclusions on 5 April 2022.
  • The Holy Father Francis then authorised the promulgation of the Decree super miraculo on 9 April 2022.
  • On the occasion of the Ordinary Public Consistory held in St. Peter's Basilica on Saturday 27 August 2022 for the Canonisation of the Blesseds:
  • - Giovanni Battista Scalabrini, Bishop of Piacenza, founder of the Congregation of the Missionaries of Saint Charles and the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Saint Charles Borromeo;
  • - Artemide Zatti, professed layman of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco (Salesians).

The Holy Father Francis has decided that the Rite of Canonisation of the two Blesseds will be celebrated on 9 October 2022.

Fr. Pierluigi Cameroni SDB - Postulator Generale

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