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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

Brs Joe and Greg SDB to be ordained priests

Brs Joe and Greg SDB to be ordained priests

Posted: Tue, 22 Jun 2021 14:02

Brs Joe and Greg SDB to be ordained priests

Our Salesian Family has an occasion of great joy to look forward to on Saturday 26 June 2021, in the priestly ordination of Rev Joseph Tran SDB and Rev Gregory Echegwo SDB (pictured above at their ordination to the diaconate).

The two ordinands introduce themselves and outline a little of their journey below:


My name is Joseph Tran, Salesian of Don Bosco. I'm originally from Vietnam.

In 2008, I took my fist profession in Saigon, Vietnam. In 2011, I felt another calling from God to be a missionary. Then I was sent to the UK province in the same year. In 2017, I finally made the perpetual profession in the Sacred Heart Church, Battersea, London. I am living in Salesian House Battersea, London, having complete my degree in Theology and Religious Studies in St Mary's University, Twickenham, London in 2019. I have just finished studying at Allen Hall this summer, the Archdiocese Westminster Seminary, pursuing further studies for priesthood. On 5th December, I was ordained deacon by Bishop John Hendricks in the Battersea Salesian House Chapel.

Salesian Model:

My Salesian vocation is shaped by the experience of Don Bosco working with inner city youth. Don Bosco developed his family-based spirituality into a way of life during his time working with youth in Turin, Italy in the nineteenth century. There he created a home, a school, a church and a playground for abandoned youth. These four areas form a balanced way of living for the whole of my life.

Firstly, Don Bosco began with a playground, a place where people could relax and renew themselves.

Secondly, he created a School where people could grow and change.

Thirdly, he built a home where young people could belong to.

Finally, he built a church where the presence of God could become more visible.

Belonging, learning, relaxing and meaning are Salesian ways of making sense of my life and also rebalancing my life when things go wrong.


My name is Gregory Chukwuma Echegwo. I was born on the 23/07/1988 into a family of eight children in Nigeria. I am the 7th of the eight children. I lived with a priest for six years and during this time, I also undertook my high school education. In my quest to discern God's call in my life, I met the Salesians of Don Bosco. Enticed by their apostolate and charism, I finally joined them in 2008, in Onitsha, Nigeria. Having finished my aspirant, novitiate, and philosophical Studies in Nigeria, I was sent as a missionary to England in 2013. Among other hobbies, I enjoy football, basketball, reading, running, and gardening. I did my theological degree at St. Mary's University Twickenham and Pastoral Theology at Allen Hall Seminary. I was ordained a deacon on the 5th of December 2020 by Bishop Paul Hendricks.

The ordination ceremony for Joe and Greg will take place at Sacred Heart Battersea, and although the present Covid restrictions limit the numbers who can be present in person, you are all invited to witness and celebrate this important moment, as the mass is livestreamed via YouTube.

The following morning, the newly ordained Fr Greg's first mass will be livestreamed on Facebook from Sacred Heart at 11:30 am. You can see that on the Battersea Parishes Facebook page.

Visit our events calendar for the link and time of the ordinations, and please join us in holding these two inspiring young men in prayer.

Tags: Homepage, Salesian Vocations, Salesians of Don Bosco