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SJBC Year 7 students learn about Baptism

SJBC Year 7 students learn about Baptism

Posted: Wed, 5 May 2021 11:10

  • SJBC Year 7 students learn about Baptism
  • Yr 7 Baptism 1

  • Yr 7 Baptism

Recently the Year 7 students at St John Bosco College Battersea had an opportunity to act out the ceremony of Baptism in the school chapel. It allowed students to witness what a baptism ceremony might look like. The reflections of Vicente De Oliveira from Year 7, showed how powerful he found the whole experience:

The first thing that came to my mind when I was reading from the Gospel of St Mark, ​was what a beautiful moment it must be for the parents and the baby.​

The opportunity to be baptised and received by God; and to be cleared of all​ your original sin, is such an honour, that most people would do anything to have​ a once in a lifetime opportunity like this. I found it heart-warming reading ​from the lectern and to see how Jesus was baptised to set an example for us all. This is why baptism is such a wonderful thing to do and that's why people these days ​have their babies baptised so, that they can live a life close to God.

Baby and white garment courtesy of Anna Thomson.

Photographs courtesy of Bro Augustine Alfred.

Tags: Battersea, Homepage, Religious Education, Salesian Schools, Salesian Youth Ministry, Salesians of Don Bosco