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Sixth Forms get creative with Virtual Open Evenings

Sixth Forms get creative with Virtual Open Evenings

Posted: Tue, 13 Oct 2020 15:39

  • Sixth Forms get creative with Virtual Open Evenings
  • Farnborough Students

Our Salesian schools continue to creatively adapt to the restrictions protecting everyone from COVID-19. This week, Salesian College Farnborough held a virtual 6th Form Open Evening. St John Bosco College Battersea, currently celebrating being named 14th in the list of the country's top-performing secondary schools with high Progress 8 scores for disadvantaged students, took their 6th Form event online last week. (Photos: A 6th form group at SJBC and two students at Farnborough)

The Farnborough event features videos of students outlining the benefits of study at Salesian from their own perspective, and a message from Head of Sixth Form, Mr Maher. The event is grouped into themes to cover everything prospective students and their families may want to know about life at the college: Why choose Salesian?;Realising Your Potential; Vibrant Student Life; Playing Your Part in the World; and How Salesian Sixth Form reaches out to others. There is also a video from Head of Careers Mrs Cardona, outlining the support, guidance and opportunities available for students as they plan their future after Sixth Form.

The videos are accompanied by presentations from Heads of Department on each of the A-level subjects on offer, many of which also include video and audio input from students, and feature their work.

Visit the college website ('More information' link below) to see the Virtual Open Evening.

In Battersea, an introductory video (Click this link to view on YouTube) presented by Headteacher Mr Dunne and Miss Bennett, Sixth Form and Careers Lead, spoke about the school's motto 'Believe and Achieve' and stressed the importance the college places on preparing and supporting 6th form students for their future lives. Mr Dunne said SJBC is especially proud of the alumni who return to school from their varied careers to support and inspire current students. The video gives prospective students a look around the 6th form centre, and features students talking about their experience of life at SJBC.

Mr Dunne invited prospective students to 'come and feel the atmosphere here, feel the ethos of the school', which he explained is expressed as RUAH - Respect, Understanding, Affection and Humour - encapsulating the fact that students are valued, known and loved, following the path that St John Bosco set out.

Tags: Battersea, Farnborough, Homepage, Salesian Schools, Salesians of Don Bosco