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Provincial celebrates 25 years of priesthood

Provincial celebrates 25 years of priesthood

Posted: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 19:53

  • Provincial celebrates 25 years of priesthood
  • Fr Gerry with Rector, Fr Michael

Ad multos annos to our Provincial, Fr Gerry Briody SDB, who celebrated 25 years of priestly ordination this week.

Fr Gerry celebrated the Wednesday evening jubilee Mass, wearing a vestment which was as an ordination gift from his father, specially made for him by the convent in Bothwell, and the chalice he used at Mass was presented by his family. Many members of his family, from Scotland and the North East, joined the online congregation from across the world for the live Facebook Mass.

Fr Gerry called on the congregation to begin by using the great gift of prayer, to join him in thanking God for the love and support we so often take for granted.

In his homily, Fr Gerry directed us back to the Pope speaking alone to the Church and the world, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, to draw our attention to 'the connectivity of love'. Fr Gerry said the Pope used a quote from Paul, from Corinthians: "He said that Christ died for all, so that people who live, may no longer live only for themselves. That was his message, at a time of great sacrifice by so many people ... he reiterated that, in these challenging times, we must maintain what he referred to as this 'connectivity of love'. The spirit of thought and prayer, he said, can cross vast distances, that separate people even from their loved ones."

Fr Gerry concluded, "For my part, today is a wonderful celebration, I hope, of that connectivity." He recalled all those people who have supported him on his journey, in his home parish, in his family and beyond, some of whom have now gone to their reward. "We pray that on these good occasions that we are able to celebrate, we can remember that connectivity of love, that goes way beyond all that we can think or imagine."

At the end of Mass, Fr Gerry said, "Priesthood is a gift given not simply for us: it's given for other people." Speaking of vocation, he said, "I never thought about being a priest, so what I would say to the young people out there is, if you've never even thought about it, if God is asking you, give it your best. That's all you can do. Sometimes we're frightened to start the process off, afraid, perhaps, of where it may lead. All we can do is give our best to the Lord, and leave the rest up to him; and that's what I've tried to do, and hopefully, it's stood me in fairly good stead."

Fr Gerry ended by leading a final prayer of gratitude, and thanking his confreres who have given him so much.

You can watch the Mass on our YouTube page, using the More information link below.

Tags: Homepage, Salesians of Don Bosco, Vocations