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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

Easing our burdens

Easing our burdens

Posted: Sun, 5 Jul 2020 08:25

Easing our burdens

Fr Gerry O'Shaughessy SDB reflects on the Gospel for the 14th Sunday of the year: (Matthew 11: 25-30). Photo: View from a window of the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians at Colle Don Bosco, Italy.

In the Gospel today Jesus makes three invitations:

    • Come to me if you are burdened: I encourage you to place whatever burdens, worries and concerns you might have today at the altar as we offer the bread and wine. I pray that our faith and it's practice never becomes a burden or an obligation. In this time of hardship it has been our faith that has encouraged and supported us. As we move into a sense of new normality, let us rejoice in the gift of faith that we are delighted to share with our families and friends.
    • My burden is light: Jesus assures is that no problem or issue will be too great for us. We are children, women and men of liberty. We live in that freedom and light that only Jesus can give. It is in this freedom that we can live our lives to the full, especially as we care for each other.
    • Learn from me: Jesus is our ultimate and loving teacher. Jesus will never share a burden with us that he himself has not experienced. Jesus gives us an example to follow: as many of us are able to receive Eucharist after a famine, Jesus urges us to be good students and teacher ourselves. Jesus wants us to ensure that we continue to 'this' in memory. As we move forward together, observing physical distancing of course, we are called to continue our pilgrimage of trust and faith, trying to make that part of world in which we live that little bit better.

We are now entering uncharted territory and, as Church, we will make mistakes and we may have to face the burden of localised lockdowns once again, as we see in Leicester. It is so important that we support and encourage each other; lay aside those petty rows and arguments. Let us open ourselves up to a God who not only understands us fully, but also forgives-can you forgive someone today? It will ease your burden as we move on. We need to be there for each other as we face these interesting times that will make demands on our reserves of strength.

Today, if you are able to share the Eucharist, I pray that you remember those who are still burdened on this day of joy and peace.

Fr Gerry O'Shaughnessy SDB

Tags: Gospel, Homepage, Salesian Youth Ministry, Salesians of Don Bosco