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Virtual assemblies celebrate RUAH spirit of Salesian schools

Virtual assemblies celebrate RUAH spirit of Salesian schools

Posted: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 16:42

  • Virtual assemblies celebrate RUAH spirit of Salesian schools
  • Br Ste Lloyd SDB in the Thornleigh chapel

Everyone is adapting fast to our new situation, and for the start of the new term this week, schools have produced their first 'virtual assemblies', keeping students connected and bringing the familiarity of school into the homes of students.St John Bosco College Battersea and Thornleigh Salesian College are among the first to go virtual, and in both schools, there is a focus on the RUAH spirit (Respect, Understanding. Affection and Humour) to encourage students and help them stay focused on their shared values in difficult times.

Opening SJBC's first online assembly, Headteacher Mr Paul Dunne told students 'our priorities for you and for the next term are this term are that you stay safe and well, that you keep learning and working hard, that you look after one another, and finally, that you stay positive and optimistic.'

Mrs Andrea O'Callaghan, Headteacher at Thornleigh, began by hoping students were staying healthy on mind and body, and asked students to consider the example of the athletes and sportspeople many will be following on social media, who are keeping up their training to be ready to return in the future. Acknowledging how hard it is 'at times like this, to come together and stay together,' she identified the RUAH spirit as the thing that makes them a community when the school is together, and asked students to think about what that spirit means to them while they are apart, outlining how each element applies to the new situation.

SJBC's online assembly featured staff and governors speaking about the positives they're finding in the lockdown situation, in which the RUAH values are evident. Encouragement was given to students and families, and staff expressed pride in how well students and the whole school family is supporting each other and managing without seeing friends. Colleagues expressed admiration for staff who are going 'the extra mile, and are prepared to come in and do whatever it takes for the children', and a staff member spoke of the pleasure she is taking in cooking for the children who are still attending school, and the joy of seeing them enjoy the meals, 'especially when they come for seconds!'

In Boton, students read bidding prayers from their homes and from the college chapel, Br Ste Lloyd SDB, RE teacher and member of the Chaplaincy team, led prayers and spoke words of comfort and reassurance to the many famiies who have lost loved ones, or are worried about family and friends who are sick. Fr Bob Gardner SDB gave a hopeful homily on the Emmaeus story, reminding students that Jesus is always with us, even when we are not aware of him.

Mr Dunne assured SJBC students that 'We will come through this crisis and hopefully emerge from it stronger and wiser.' Mrs O'Callaghan encouraged students to think of how much there still is to be grateful for, and urged them to keep their spirits up, 'and then, when all this is over and we come back together and we reflect on this time in history, you will be able to say that, even in the most challenging circumstances, even when it was really difficult, you grew as a person, and you did really positive things to contribute.'

It is clear from the videos that the RUAH spirit of our Salesian Family is remaining strong in our school communities, despite being apart.

Our prayers are with our school communities everywhere.

Watch the videos below.

Tags: Homepage, Salesian Schools, Salesian Youth Ministry, Salesian spirituality