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Salesian parish supports neighbours through Battersea's Coronavirus Angels

Salesian parish supports neighbours through Battersea's Coronavirus Angels

Posted: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 13:01

  • Salesian parish supports neighbours through Battersea's  Coronavirus Angels
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Fr David O'Malley SDB has sent an update on the community project he and Sacred Heart parish are involved in to help local residents in these difficult times. Photos: Battersea Angels and AFC Wimbledon

Sacred Heart Parish, St Mary's Anglican Church and the Katherine Low Settlement have established a network of "Battersea Angels" who volunteer to help people during this lockdown period. Battersea is a densely populated area with a huge range of needs and many hidden problems and poverty. The angels aim to identify the vulnerable and the isolated and help them. At present we have 370 volunteers on our books and they have proved to be generous and selfless is meeting and serving their neighbour.
Typically, the volunteer receives a call and then agree to visit a specific person close by. They call them and identify what they need. It could simply be shopping, or a prescription pick up or even dog walking for those who are being shielded. Then they do the shopping or pick up the prescription and bring it to the door. Leaving it by the door they ring the bell and then step back. At that point they can make contact with the person in need and have a conversation and sort out any financial exchange, usually by bank transfer. Volunteers have all been screened and have a DBS.
The network is coordinated by the clergy and the leader of the Katherine Low Settlement. We have been fortunate to establish some positive links with the local foodbanks and also a local action group formed from AFC Wimbledon Football Club fans. Both those groups have been a great support especially for those who now have no income and are going hungry. The angels have highlighted two important things in Battersea: First that there is so much hidden poverty and mental health concerns and secondly that there is a huge wealth of generosity and kindness in most people most of the time. The angels try to bring those two things together in a way that builds a stronger community for the future.

Battersea Angels- Stories (Names have been changed)

Leon lives in a high rise block and has an impaired immune system. He has had a series of difficult health struggles and is really anxious about going out at all. If he uses the lift, he fears that someone else will get into the lift with him and transmit the virus. If he uses the stairs, he might meet someone and get too close. Battersea Angels were able to call him on the phone, get a shopping list and deliver it to his door. Then, stepping back, the volunteer was able to have a reassuring conversation with Leon, leaving him feeling calmer and more connected to his community.

Sandra lives with her daughter who is in year nine and has struggled to get her connected to the school learning programme. Because her school is out of the borough it has been hard to get access to wifi and to a personal computer for her daughter Chelsea. Battersea Angels were able to do some research and source a tablet and a mobile phone with a hot spot that is being topped up by Chelsea's aunt. Sandra wrote to us a few days ago. "I just wanted to say thankyou again. We have set up the phone and the tablet and Chelsea is now on line. It's a lot less tense in the house now and I think we can both cope better with the lockdown."

Donations to support their work can be made online using the 'More information' link below.

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