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Learning about priestly vocation at Allen Hall

Learning about priestly vocation at Allen Hall

Posted: Tue, 7 Jan 2020 11:18

Learning about priestly vocation at Allen Hall

Year 9 student, Orlando Greene, writes about a recent visit to the Diocese of Westminster's seminary, which occupies part of the site of St Thomas More's house in Chelsea.

The RE Department took us across Battersea Bridge to Allen Hall to visit a seminary, a school for men wanting to become priests. We met a priest in training called Jakub and he explained to us how he made the decision to become a priest. (photo above)

Jakub showed us where all the seminarians studied and also where they ate. We visited the chapel where the seminarians pray to God; and there we asked him questions about what it feels like to be called by God to be a priest. He was very honest and said that it was the hardest decision of his life.

We also saw the oldest tree in Chelsea with a link to St Thomas More. It is a mulberry tree and is about 500 years old. We took a photo of our teachers in front of the tree (below) and after that we headed back to school just in time for the end of the school day.

Orlando Greene

Tags: Salesian Schools, Salesians of Don Bosco, Vocation