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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

Rector Major's visit ends in Battersea

Rector Major's visit ends in Battersea

Posted: Thu, 28 Nov 2019 09:22

  • Rector Major's visit ends in Battersea
  • Don Ángel greets a young parishioner

  • Don Ángel meets Mrs Devereaux

  • The Rector Major with Salesian Sisters

Saturday was the final day of the Rector Major's visit to the GBR Province.

In the morning, he spent time with the communities of Cowley, Chertsey, Farnbroough and Batterse. After Mass, he met Mrs Maureen Devereux, mother of Sean Devereux, the Salesian missionary volunteer and aid worker who was killed in Somali in 1993.

Sacred Heart church in Battersea was the setting for Don Ángel's last Mass here, and the church was packed.

A wonderful cake was shared as part of the joyful celebrations after Mass, and many parishioners and other visitors had a chance to chat to the Rector Major.

The Rector Major arrived safely back in Rome in the evening, to continue his duties. It was a delight to welcome him to our Province, and to benefit from his unique and inspiring animation of our works and all of our Salesian Family.

Thank you, and God bless you, Don Ángel!

Photos (by Liam Parr)

(1) Rector Major with children and families from the parish and a spectacular cake

(2) Don Ángel greets a young parishioner. In the foreground are Bishop Paul Hendricks and Fr Gerry Briody (SDB Provincial)

(3) Mrs Devereux with the Rector Major, Sean's sister and Regional, Fr Tadeusz Rozmus

(4) Rector Major with Sr Connie Cameron (FMA Provincial) and Salesian Sisters

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