Retirement of Thornleigh Head, who has "given her all in service of this school"
Posted: Fri, 12 Jul 2019 15:32
A joyful Mass was held at Thornleigh Salesian College this week, to celebrate and give thanks for a combined century of service to Catholic education, from Headteacher Alison Burrowes, together with Deborah Moss, Maria Pawlowski and John Corrigan. Alison is retiring after 11 years leading the school; Deborah has been at Thornleigh for 28 years; Maria has given 45 years of service to Catholic Education in Bolton; and John will retire at the end of the year after 21 years as a Governor, 9 of them as Chair.
Present along with friends, family and colleagues from Salesian schools and Catholic education across the country, were the Right Reverend John Arnold Bishop of Salford, Councillor Hilary Fairclough, Mayor of Bolton, and Fr Gerry Briody SDB, our Provincial. Also present were Fr Joe Brown SDB, who taught Alison at school and Fr Jim Gallagher SDB, who taught her at college, and presided at her wedding to Steve.
In his welcome, Fr Michael Winstanley SDB, said "in prayer we place into God's loving hands the lives of Alison, Deborah, Maria, and John, all that they have done and achieved so far, their generosity and commitment, their successes and struggles, their ups and downs over these years here in Thornleigh Salesian College."
At the start of the Mass, students brought to the altar a series of symbols representing school, church, playground and home. The Thornleigh choir and musicians added to the joyful spirit of the evening, and during the communion reflection, a group of students performed a dance based on the song Build my House.
In his homily, Fr Michael said, "Don Bosco made his own the mind and heart of Jesus, and reached out as a shepherd to those in need, especially young people, and sought to bring them to life in its fullness. And that compassion for the young has continued across the years and across the world. And this evening we celebrate its presence here through the ministry of Alison and the governors and staff of Thornleigh.
"I know that her relationship with Jesus is central to Alison's being, and the way she lives her life. Jesus is her inspiration, her guide, her friend. But that abiding aspect, that being with has spilled over into her role as Head, the importance of being present with staff and pupils, so characteristic of Don Bosco's educational approach.
"Self-giving service, 24/7 for 11 years, with such commitment in time, energy, heartache, enthusiasm, generosity. Someone has to be Head, but the Christian way is to understand that rank is really irrelevant. Headship is a wonderful opportunity to serve. And Alison has given her all in service of the young people and staff of this school."
Speaking at the end of Mass, Alison thanked all those who have worked with her at Thornleigh, where everyone works as a team regardless of their role. She spoke of her training as a teacher, and her experience at the Salesian Sisters' School in Croxteth, where she was especially inspired as a student teacher by Sr Helena's enthusiasm for Don Bosco's approach to the young.
In thanking John Corrigan and the Thornleigh Governors, she said, "I could not have asked for a better partnership."
Alison spoke movingly of her desires for the young people she has taught, "I want them to experience the joy of learning; I want them to have fun; I want them to go to the theatre, and enjoy playing sport; I want them to have a sense of the sacred and an encounter with the divine"
Reminiscing about school trips, she said, "some of the happiest times I've had have been with our staff and students."
She concluded by thanking her husband Steve for his patience, understanding and support, and said she is looking forward to so many things in the future.
The celebrations continued with a delicious buffet in the school hall.
Thank you, Alison, Deborah, Maria and John, for your wonderful service, and may all of you enjoy a long, active and happy retirement. We wish Thornleigh Salesian College continued success under the leadership of Andrea O'Callaghan, its new Headteacher.