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Sharing the Salesian Youth Ministry joy in Kraków

Sharing the Salesian Youth Ministry joy in Kraków

Posted: Fri, 17 May 2019 16:02

  • Sharing the Salesian Youth Ministry joy in Kraków
  • RyanKrakowMarchMay2019SYM 500

  • KrakowSYMMay2019Ryan 500

  • KrakowSYMMay2019Ryan 500

  • RyanKrakowMarchMay2019SYM 500

Ryan from our Youth Ministry team tells us about the recent event in Kraków

Recently I had the opportunity to visit Kraków, Poland, for Savionalia 2019 and it was incredible! It was such a privilege to represent the GBR province out in Poland and we were made so welcome. The weekend was packed with activities and I thoroughly enjoyed all the prayer, liturgy, games, music and dancing. Friday was filled with animation from the different groups of young people before going for prayer and reflection in the evening.

Saturday was amazing and definitely felt longer than one day. We started off with Mass in the local parish church and our procession back to the Salesian ceremony followed. The morning concluded with a games tournament before the afternoon/evening concert which included a rapping priest, a beautiful choir and a famous Polish rock band. Sunday was more relaxed as we gathered for Mass in the morning in order to commission the missionaries that were leaving for the various countries they were going to.

Reflecting on the weekend, it's quite difficult to describe how great it was. Personally, the visit meant a lot, not only because I love being a part of Salesian Youth Ministry and getting to be a part of that on a wider scale; but because World Youth Day in Kraków was the place where I really felt called to become a Catholic. One of my standout moments was definitely when we had adoration on the Friday evening. I was so blessed to be asked to give my testimony at the St John Paul II shrine to the group of 600 young people about my faith journey and road to becoming a Catholic.

On Sunday, we had the opportunity to meet with the Polish Savio House community. We had a great time comparing our experiences, practices and sharing why we began following the spirituality of Don Bosco in our work. This was such a unique opportunity and it was so powerful to see the work they were doing which was inspired by the work and community of Savio House here in our province.

It all seems so surreal that we were able to experience so much during our short stay in Kraków and it definitely would have been the same without the amazing people I had the pleasure to go with. I've definitely returned home feeling very inspired, energised and reflective on my experience there; and I ca't wait to share my experience with the young people I work with.

Ryan Wilkinson

Many thanks to Chloe, Danny and Ryan for photos!

Tags: Salesian Youth Ministry, Salesians of Don Bosco