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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

On the 'egg- parachute' with Don Bosco!

On the 'egg- parachute' with Don Bosco!

Posted: Fri, 3 May 2019 15:29

  • On the 'egg- parachute' with Don Bosco!
  • BootleYouthClubHol2

  • BootleYouthClubHol1

  • BootleYouthClubHol1

  • BootleYouthClubHol2

Br Lukasz Wojcik SDB describes the delights of Bootle's recent Youth Club holiday

Egg parachutes (dropping the egg from the roof and trying not to smash it), cinema, quizzes, bowling & laser, and endless fun on the best swing in Merseyside: all this and even more has happened in Shirdley Hill during the annual Youth Club holidays.

The weekend provided by the Youth Active Team from St. James' Parish undoubtedly became a huge success! On the afternoon of Friday 26th May, a bus full of excited boys and girls from the Parish Youth Club left Bootle and travelled towards Southport. Although the first night had been - as one, anonymous member of Staff admitted, "very, very long ... really long", everybody wanted more. Even if the weather was not perfect, a bit of competition at bowling & lasers and relaxation in the cinema, watching the new Dumbo, made the day. It wouldn't be good to forget about the delicious food: the fabulous lasagne for everybody and the mysterious Polish soup called barszcz - but only for the brave.

"It was very funny, I've enjoyed it a lot, there was lots of laughing!" said James (Year 6). Callum (Year 7) added:"It was very good, we were playing lots of games, working together in teams and we all were being resilient in our challenges. There were a lot of stories and we came here not only for the fun but also for religious things".

Indeed, Saturday night was finished in a typical Salesian way. A few moments of reflection and prayer together, thanking God for a great time and the traditional 'good night' at the end. James claims that he "liked it a lot, and it meant a lot".

The key point of the weekend was Holy Mass celebrated together with Fr Jakub, who joined the group on Sunday afternoon. Praying together to God for our families left at home seems to be the best way to end The Youth Club Holiday 2019.

There is a rumour going on that everybody (including the author) enjoyed it and is waiting for more. ;)

Br Lukasz

Tags: Homepage, Salesian Parishes, Salesian Youth Ministry