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What did young people think of Flame2019?

What did young people think of Flame2019?

Posted: Fri, 8 Mar 2019 16:24

What did young people think of Flame2019?

A round-up of young people's views of last weekend's Flame event at Wembley, from Br Lukasz Wojcik SDB of Savio Salesian College Bootle, and Kacper, a young parishioner at Sacred Heart Battersea.

8,000 VIPs met at the Wembley Arena at the same time. What was it? NATO, European Parliament, M20 summit? No, it was Flame 2019: the Catholic Meeting of Young People from Great Britain and a few other countries. Why VIPs? Because this year's main theme was 'Significance', and we assure you that 'every young person at the Stadium today has felt really significant', as Jack, the Head of the Altar Servers in St. James' Bootle, said.

Flame 2019 run by CYMFed was held at the Wembley Arena on Saturday the 2nd of March and Savio Salesian College and St. James' Parish had a big representation there. Our exciting day started at about 6am when we met at Liverpool Lime Street. Asked what was the most memorable thing about the day Sean (Year 10) among other moments said 'the train journey which was really nice and despite the tiredness we all got to London in good spirits. But it was only the beginning.'

The whole day consisted of fun and faith, concerts, performances, testimonies, speeches and common prayer. This is what we were waiting for and we all really enjoyed this astonishing time! Emily J (Year 11) says: 'For me the most important thing was when they were saying that you don't have to look at the other people, you just have to look at yourself, because it is all there, everything you need';

'Yes, focus on your line in this race, and keep your eye on Jesus', came in Aleisha (Year 11).

Talking about the main message from the day, David, Salesian volunteer and future teacher, remarked that: 'It was clear throughout the whole day that we were thinking of what God has called us to do and what makes us special and significant. We were reflecting on that love which God has for each of us and how we are all created for a certain task'.

Emily J. found the best parts of the day were the speeches, and Emily S. (Year 11) confirmed: 'Everything was really good, but especially I liked all the speakers and the fact that they could reach out to everyone'.

All members of our group were so impressed with one particular keynote speaker Robert Madu from Texas, USA. He showed us life as a race and told us not to compare, but to keep on our own track and follow Jesus.

'It was probably my favourite part. He was very inspiring, funny and he communicates with young people really well.' said Harry (Year 10).

Finally, we need to mention that the most experienced of us had to admit that: 'Flame 2019 was the best one I have ever been to! I have been to four so far, and this was the best, incredibly inspiring', said Jack again. Kieron (Year 11) added: 'It was much better than 2017, with better music and speeches'

We all still are struck by the power and atmosphere which we found last weekend in London and we are waiting for more. This was a very good introduction to the Lent season!

Br Lukacz Wojcik SDB
Savio Salesian College

If you're keen for more events like this, book for World Youth Day@Home!

Kacper, an Altar Server and member of the Confirmation Group at Sacred Heart Parish Battersea, wrote about his impressions.

"Flame 2019", the biggest Catholic youth event in the UK took place on the 2nd of March and it was an amazing and thrilling experience. Its theme "Significance" told us how important and worthy of attention is every single person which God created in His own image. During the event we had the opportunity to be a part of an amazing story of our own importance in real life. Through the live performing musicians (e.g. rapper Guvna B, Tim Hughes & Band) we could find the true meaning of the role of our life in today's, full of overwhelming social media, world. All of us young people who attended the Wembley Arena, could find different ways to follow God's words, to follow His paths and to be significant in the history of our families, schools, work and neighbourhood.

Guvna B with Emma Borquaye were telling us about their journey of faith and how they became what they are now. Their own roads to God were full of difficulties which they had to defeat but when they understood God's plan for them, they both, through His unconditional love, found strength to follow Him. Both of them became a significant sign of importance of young people's good example in our communities.

The next part was covered by speeches made by David Wells, Jean Vanier, Fr Paul Farren and Archbishop Eamon Martin who all told us how much God trusts us, how important of a creation of Him we all are, how we should find our own way to make changes in our lives and the lives of everyone around. They wanted to encourage us to glorify the Lord by our lives in the way which we could have an important impact on others.

The last speech given by Robert Madu was very funny and an engaging way to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel. By reminding us about King David and Saul, he showed that we should not compare ourselves to one another because in God's eyes we are all perfect, equally good and significant. We should focus on Jesus instead of on ourselves, not focusing on our needs and on our desires to make sure that our lives will be full of love, compassion and understanding of others.

The RISE Theatre actors performed a play showing how easy in our modern society it is to forget about Jesus and the fact that He is constantly with us in our lives. In our busy days Jesus needs to be the most important part, we have to always remember that He is our power, He is our help and only if we are going together with Him we can achieve real success.

At the end I had the privilege to be a part of the altar servers procession which led Cardinal Vincent Nichols, all the Bishops and the youth representatives to the stage. After a short reflection and benediction we could ask the Lord in The Blessed Sacrament for His help and care in our lives.

Flame 2019 was a day full of spiritual reflection, inspiration, prayer and it will hopefully change our lives for being the significant part of our communities.

Kacper Zdrada

Sacred Heart Parish, Battersea

Tags: Flame, Homepage, Salesian Schools, Salesian Youth Ministry, Salesians of Don Bosco