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In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan… as we shiver into another year, its pages blank and ready to be written, January brings us hope and new beginnings. Perhaps a new book could inspire.

Chertsey students boosting support Fairtrade

Chertsey students boosting support Fairtrade

Posted: Thu, 14 Mar 2019 10:25

Chertsey students boosting support Fairtrade

Salesian School Chertsey continued its Fair-trade work with a Bake Sale last week, raising £90 in just ten minutes! A Fairtrade cake made by one the teachers raised over £30 by itself, bringing the grand total to £123. Many thanks to the pupils of the Chaplaincy team at Salesian School Chertsey for their invaluable help. Photo: Students at the sold-out stall with Fr Marco SDB.

Chaplain Fr Marco Villani SDB, has been taking students to visit local schools to spread the Fair-trade message. Last week, the pupils and staff at Cardinal Newman Catholic Primary School, Hersham, were very welcoming and enthusiastic when Niamh and Calogera (Gera) visited their former primary school to talk about Fair-trade.

Assistant Head, Mrs Denmead, told the pupils that she hoped that one day they too could visit schools like Niamh and Gera, and share the message of Christian social justice to others.

This was the fourth primary school that Gera and Niamh have visited with Fr Marco, the previous ones being St. Alban's East Molesey, St Anne's Chertsey and St Charles Borromeo Weybridge. In the new academic year they are planning to visit Holy Family in Addlestone.

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