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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

Preparing for Christmas in Battersea

Preparing for Christmas in Battersea

Posted: Wed, 5 Dec 2018 16:46

Preparing for Christmas in Battersea

A busy Advent at St John Bosco College Battersea began on Monday as Headteacher Mr Dunne lit the first Advent candle, and the schedule for the first week included a trip to Westminster Cathedral where singers met Bishop Paul McAleenan.

On Tuesday, singers from the school gathered at St Thomas Battersea ready for 'Carols in the Square'.

Later in the week, students decorated the Christmas tree in the library (photo below), and Year 7 singers joined other schools at the Catholic Children's Society's Advent Carol Service at Westminster Cathedral, and managed to get a group photo with Bishop Paul.

What a wonderful start to the Advent season!

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