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Salesian School Chertsey marks Armistice Centenary

Salesian School Chertsey marks Armistice Centenary

Posted: Thu, 8 Nov 2018 11:24

Salesian School Chertsey marks Armistice Centenary


Teaching departments at Salesian School Chertsey came together to support students in a range of activities to pay tribute to those lost in the First World War, and other conflicts. A touching display at Reception included contributions from History, Graphics, Textile and RMT. History teacher, Hannah O'Neill describes the activity her department offered students.


With the centenary of the ending of World War One, the History Department has encouraged students to investigate their own family history. This has uncovered a wealth of stories from conflicts over the past 100 years, from ancestors being involved in the liberation of Nazi internment camps to nurses taking care of the wounded on the battlefields.




We have exhibited these on a memorial wall to commemorate the sacrifices made, including some stories from members of staff. The project that has been largely focused on Year 9s has been a huge success, sparking conversations on the theme of remembrance throughout the week of 11th November 2018.


Hannah O 'Neill - History teacher at Salesian School Chertsey



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