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In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan… as we shiver into another year, its pages blank and ready to be written, January brings us hope and new beginnings. Perhaps a new book could inspire.

Red Wednesday at St John Bosco College Battersea

Red Wednesday at St John Bosco College Battersea

Posted: Thu, 29 Nov 2018 21:05

Red Wednesday at St John Bosco College Battersea

Year 7 student, Savannah-Rae, describes activities at St John Bosco College Battersea for Red Wednesday, Aid to the Church in Need's event to highlight the plight of persecuted Christians. Photo: A Christian and a Muslim stand together to support Red Wednesday.

28th of November 2018, was Red Wednesday. It is a day when we remember persecuted Christians in countries all around the world. Persecuted Christians refer to the Christians in a country who are in a minority and who are being attacked for having a different belief. People in charge of the country allow Christians to be murdered and force them to change their religion.

To raise awareness and collect money for charity, SJBC students and staff sold and bought specs with red lenses. All the money collected went to the charity 'Aid to the Church in Need'. In total £355.50 was collected by selling the red glasses and through donations. From this money 14 gift boxes will be sent to 14 children in Syria as a Christmas present.

We also dedicated an assembly and prayers to the people suffering and those who need it most. Many Christians and other people of different religions are being persecuted unfairly for their beliefs, so we pray to God to bring them peace.

Savannah-Rae Beckford

Even Don Bosco wore red specs!

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