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Battersea celebrates 125 years of Sacred Heart Church

Battersea celebrates 125 years of Sacred Heart Church

Posted: Fri, 19 Oct 2018 10:41

Battersea celebrates 125 years of Sacred Heart Church

Last weekend marked a very important event in the history of the Salesian Province of Great Britain, as we came together in Battersea to celebrate 125 years since the consecration of Sacred Heart church, Battersea, and its significance for the development of our province.

As the Rector Major was kept in Rome because of the Synod, his Vicar, Fr Francesco Cereda SDB, attended the Mass on Sunday in his place.

The commemorative events of the weekend began on the afternoon of Saturday 13th October, as Salesians and around 30 members of the Battersea parishes gathered at the newly renovated grave of Fr Edward Patrick McKiernan SDB in the graveyard at St Mary Magdalen Parish, Mortlake, London. Fr McKiernan was the first Irishman to become a Salesian, the leader of the pioneer group of Salesians who were sent by Don Bosco to Battersea, the first Rector and Parish Priest of the first Salesian House in Great Britain, and the first member of the Province to die, on 30 December 1888 at the age of 28 years old.

Fr Gerry Briody, the Provincial, blessed the renovated gravestone and the newer stone set upon it which recalled Fr McKiernan's significant chronological dates. A Service of Remembrance followed inside the parish church, led by Fr Kieran Anderson, at which he spoke about Fr McKiernan, especially his generous pastoral ministry as a Salesian priest in the difficult environment of Victorian Battersea, 'From such very humble beginnings, it was clear to recognise that Divine Providence had richly blessed the work of the Salesians in Battersea. The example of Fr McKiernan is an inspiration to the Salesian Family today to continue reaching out to those in need and building bridges that allow people to be connected, especially in the following of Christ and in living out the joy of the Gospel'

On Sunday, the focus shifted to Sacred Heart Church, 125 years to the day since the building was consecrated by Bishop John Cagliero, assisted by Blessed Michael Rua, the first successor to Don Bosco. During the Mass, the chasuble commissioned by Don Rua as a gift to Sacred Heart for the first Mass in the church, was on display next to the altar. A further connection to the early days of the Salesians in Battersea was the presence of Hon George de Stacpoole, grandnephew of Countess Georgiana de Stacpoole, the benefactress who had invited Don Bosco to take on the mission she had founded in Battersea.

The Archbishop of Southwark, the Most Reverend Peter Smith, presided and Bishop Paul Hendricks concelebrated with Fr Francesco and the SDBs of our Province. Other guests of honour at the Mass were Marsha Cordova, Member of Parliament for Battersea and Shadow Minister for Disabled People, Councillor Piers McCausland, Mayor of Wandsworth, and Sr Connie Cameron FMA, Provincial of the Salesian Sisters UK.

Sacred Heart has a close connection with the Church of England parish of St Mary, Battersea, and in the week leading up to the anniversary, both parishes took part in a mission week led by Fr Roy Shelly, who was present on the altar alongside Canon Simon Butler, Vicar of St Mary's.

Just before 10:30, Fr Francesco joined the Archbishop, Bishop, clergy, altar servers and parishioners in procession along Trott Street and into the church. The opening prayer was given by Archbishop Peter, and reflecting the many languages of the parish, a welcome was given by parishioners in English and Spanish, and bidding prayers were read in French, Italian, Ibo, Tagalog and Portuguese, by adults and children from the parish.

There was a genuine and generous family spirit at the Mass, and in his homily, Fr Roy Shelly stressed the message that to gain eternal life, we just need to be kind to each other. In his post-communion reflection, Fr Tom Williams SDB, rector of the Salesian community in Battersea, spoke about the role of the Battersea oratory in bringing together Salesians and young people through school, home, church and playground. He referred to the bridges that span the Thames in London, saying 'In Battersea, we are building bridges of a different kind: bridges between people'.

Parishioners carried the flags of almost 50 nations - representing the different origins of members of the parish - onto the altar, with the children of the parish prominent ion the procession, before the blessing of the congregation by Archbishop Peter and Fr Francesco.

Parish Priest, Fr Gerry o'Shaughnessy SDB, coordinated the presentations of gifts. Parishioners presented candles to former parish priests curates and deacons, and an olive tree to the Archbishop. Young parishioners presented Fr Franscesco with a 'Battersea SW11' street sign and framed Art Deco postcards of Clapham Junction and Balham, as a thank you and a memento of the occasion.

In his address, Fr Francesco commented on the joyful atmosphere of the celebration, which was very Salesian in its nature and not at all the formal occasion a visitor to Britain might expect.

Archbishop Peter then gave the final blessing, before the congregation was dismissed in peace by Deacon Fidelis.

The outstanding hospitality of the Battersea parishioners was on display yet again at the reception held in St John Bosco College, where a wonderful range of buffet food was on offer, and two beautiful celebration cakes were cut. While the company and conversation were entertaining in themselves, there was also live music from Holy Smoke.

Sunday's celebrations closed with an Ecumenical Choral Evensong at St Mary's C of E Battersea, where Fr Roy Shelly preached, and the blessing was given by Fr Gerry Briody.

See more photos on our Flickr album

Note: Everyone present at the Mass received a gift of a commemorative Pocketbook outlining the foundation, purpose and development of Sacred Heart. If you would like to receive one, please contact Don Bosco Publications

What am I?

To some I am a pile of bricks with glass and wood and wire
But I stand here proud in Trott Street
Beneath my beautiful tall spire.
I've had a couple of facelifts and a touch up here and there
But my congregation love me
And that's how they show their care.
People come and visit me at least once a week.
Sundays are my busiest day
Anything else is a treat.
I have a birthday coming up - a big one so I'm told.
In October 2018 I'll be 125 years old.
I've seen the start of life, the end of life
And bits in between
Like couples getting married fulfilling all their dreams
But the hands of time move around so fast
And the cycle will start with a new congregation
But the same Sacred Heart.

Antoinette Zammit (Parishioner)

Tags: Battersea, Homepage, Salesian History, Salesian Schools, Salesian Youth Ministry, Salesians of Don Bosco