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Chertsey students deliver Fairtrade Assembly at primary school

Chertsey students deliver Fairtrade Assembly at primary school

Posted: Wed, 13 Jun 2018 14:05

Chertsey students deliver Fairtrade Assembly at primary school

Photo: Anes Sabitovic on Unsplash

On Thursday July 12th 2018 pupils and staff from Salesian School's Fairtrade Committee took up the offer of delivering an assembly on the topic of Fairtrade to pupils and staff of St Anne's Catholic Primary School Chertsey.

Niamh and Calogera (Year 10) together with the Chaplain Fr Marco Villani SDB and the Assistant Chaplain Br Mateusz Papierz SDB arrived at St Anne's to meet with the Deputy Headteacher Hanorah Murphy together with pupils and staff in the hall.

With the technical assistance of Br Mateusz operating the powerpoint, Calogera and Niamh delivered an inspiring presentation about the benefits of Fairtrade, both for producers and consumers. The pupils of St Anne's were very much engaged with the content of the assembly and the strong message of social justice that it conveyed.

Many thanks to Hanorah Murphy for the welcome given to us as well as Niamh, Calogera and Br. Mateusz without whom this event would not have been possible.

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