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Just say "Don Bosco" - Salesian Family Spirituality Days, Turin

Just say "Don Bosco" - Salesian Family Spirituality Days, Turin

Posted: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 18:45

Just say "Don Bosco" - Salesian Family Spirituality Days, Turin

(Pictured: Bernard with the Rector Major)

Shrigley Old Boy, Bernard O'Neill, is in Turin for the 36th Salesian Family Spirituality Days, and when he arrived at Turin Airport on Thursday, he discovered all he had to say was "Don Bosco, Salesiano" for his taxi driver to get him just where he needed to be!

Hundreds of participants from all over the world are attending the event in Valdocco, which runs from 18 to 21 January, and aims to explore the Rector Major's Strenna for 2018: 'Sir, give me this water: Cultivating the art of listening and accompanying".

The event was opened by the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernandez Artime SDB, and the Archbishop of Turin, Mons. Cesare Nosiglia will preside at the solemn Mass.

Bernard said: "After registering and checking into my room at the Ospiteria dell'Arsenale della Pace, I just wandered around the Basilica and buildings of Piedmont, and then attended mass in the church of Francis de Sales next to the original Chapel of the oratory. I am so privileged to be here, walking literally in Don Bosco's footsteps."

He will be telling us more about the event soon, so it's only "Ciao for now!" from Bernard!

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