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Catholic Heads talk about ethos and spirituality

Catholic Heads talk about ethos and spirituality

Posted: Tue, 30 Jan 2018 16:13

Catholic Heads talk about ethos and spirituality


Fr David O'Malley SDB, Schools Delegate for the Province, writes about a recent meeting of Headteachers


A small group of head teachers gathered in Battersea to explore ethos and spirituality in schools. The heads of Salesian schools do this regularly. Two Salesian heads, Alison Burrowes and Ged Owens met up with heads from five other Catholic schools to explore how a Salesian approach to spirituality might support them in building the Catholic ethos of their own schools. The gathering involved a lot of reflection on the challenge of maintaining ethos in the present educational climate, the need to maintain a strong sense of vocation in teachers and the benefits of using a charism to reinforce Catholic ethos in schools.


All the head teachers were leading diocesan schools and wanted to enhance their spiritual dimension by drawing on the tradition and experience of Salesian schools in this country and across the world. We look forward to exploring working with these schools in the future and inviting them to get involved in our youth network projects in the years ahead.


David O'Malley SDB

Tags: Homepage, Salesian Spirituality