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Salesians talking to students about religious life

Salesians talking to students about religious life

Posted: Tue, 5 Dec 2017 11:38

Salesians talking to students about religious life


Fr Andrew Ebrahim SDB, an RE teacher St John Bosco College Battersea, describes how Salesian Sisters, Brothers and priests bring the Salesian mission and vocation to life at the school.

Over the last couple of months St John Bosco College has been pleased to welcome various SDBs and FMAs who have given generously of their time to talk to our Year 7 pupils about St Mary Mazzarello and to our Year 9 pupils about their personal vocation stories.

Bro Gregory and Bro Ste gave classes on their vocation stories and also on St Mary Mazzarello whilst Sr Pat Devine, Fr Hugh and Fr Gerry came and spoke to various Year 7 classes about St Mary Mazzarello. Their presence and their interaction with the young people were a real bonus for the students and brought to life important aspects of their RE curriculum.


With weekly visits from the SDBs of the Battersea community and Sr Bridie from the sisters in Battersea the pupils have plenty of exposure to religious in action!


Tags: Homepage, Salesian Schools, Salesian Sisters, Vocation