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Salesians who served in Liberia remember the 5 Martyrs of Charity

Salesians who served in Liberia remember the 5 Martyrs of Charity

Posted: Fri, 20 Oct 2017 13:18

Salesians who served in Liberia remember the 5 Martyrs of Charity

This weekend, Salesians who served in Liberia during the 1990s are commemorating their friends, the five ASC Sisters from the USA who were killed 25 years ago. St John Paul II declared them Martyrs of Charity. Fr Joe Brown SDB and Br Donald McDonald SDB talk about their memories of the Sisters.

Friendship and support naturally developed between the various Catholic missions ministering to the Liberian people during unsettled and dangerous times, and a monthly day of recollection was hosted at each community house in turn.

Br Donald recalled a delightful custom the Sisters had: 'When you first went in, they got you to sit down and they took a picture of you, and when you looked round, all round the room there were the pictures of everyone we knew.'

The Sisters were also known for being more attentive than some in visiting their neighbours: 'They used to come & see us and I'd say, 'Oh, thank you', and Sr Shirley would say, "You know Donald, the journey from Gardnersville to here is the same distance as from Monrovia to Gardnersville, so you could come over and see us more often." They were a great crowd. Terrific!'

The community of five sisters provided education, nursing and healthcare, and were highly valued and respected by the people they served as well as their friends and colleagues in the international community.

After a comparative lull in the war after the terrible violence of 1990, the conflict escalated again in 1992. The fighting in and around Monrovia grew more fierce, and Fr Joe Brown SDB, who was then secretary to the Papal Nuncio, recalls, 'I was directed to tell people to go because it was getting worse,' but when he spoke to the Sisters, they said, 'But the people are here.'

Br Donald said, 'The next thing we heard, the Sisters had been killed. Eventually the Americans managed to get in and get their bodies. When they shipped them home to America, the whole of the Catholic mission went to the airport to see them off. There was a service there. It was a very sad day.'

Sr Sister Mary Joel and Sr Barbara Ann were killed on 20th October, 1992, as they tried to drive an employee home. Srs Shirley, Kathleen and Agnes were killed outside their residence on 23rd October 1992.

They are remembered with affection and gratitude for their friendship and their ministry. Please remember them, their sisters, and all missionaries in your prayers.

War is terrible! Peace. Pray for peace! Ask the Prince of Peace to visit Liberia in a special way for peace, understanding, forgiveness, and a cure for hurt and hatred.

Sr Barbara Ann Muttra ASC

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Tags: Homepage, Liberia, Salesian Missions