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A Salesian chapter closes as Fr Aidan SDB retires from parish

A Salesian chapter closes as Fr Aidan SDB retires from parish

Posted: Thu, 14 Sep 2017 13:41

A Salesian chapter closes as Fr Aidan SDB retires from parish

Sunday September 3rd 2017 marked the end of an era, as the Parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes, Newent, and St Michael's Blaisdon, bid farewell to Fr Aidan Murray SDB, and the Salesians ended a chapter in their history, as they formally handed over care of the Parish to the Diocese of Clifton.

The Celebration of the Eucharist was led by Fr Gerry Briody SDB, the Salesian Provincial, with Msgr Liam Slattery VG representing the bishop, and the celebrations contuinued after Mass, with parishioners sharng the tasks of providing food and drink, erecting the marquee and creating beautiful floral decorations.

The Bishop of Clifton, the Rt Rev Bishop Declan Lang, wrote the following tribute to Fr Aidan:

" This weekend is a special time in the life of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Newent, since it marks the retirement of Fr Aidan Murray and the departure of the Salesian Fathers from our Diocese.

"I am very grateful for Fr Aidan's presence in Newent, Blaisdon and the Diocese. He has been a Good Shepherd who has shown tremendous dedication in his priestly ministry. In the words of Pope Francis, he has "the smell of the sheep". He is a holy man in the best sense of the word and an example of what it is to be a good parish priest. He is truly loved.

"I would also like to acknowledge the work of the Salesians in our Diocese over many years with the special school at Blaisdon, the Parish of Newent and other parishes in the Gloucester Deanery. I am grateful for the contribution the Salesians have made to the mission of the Church in the Diocese of Clifton. I am sorry they are unable to remain in the Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes. I know they will not be forgotten and they will always be part of the story of the Church in this part of the country

"As we look to the future, we do so as a People of Hope believing in the presence of Christ, celebrating that presence and living our faith in daily life, knowing that in a time of change, we are called to be faithful to the Gospel."

At the Mass, our Provincial, Fr Gerry, spoke about the history of the parish, and its future:

"It seems somehow fitting that we are celebrating more than 65 years of Salesian association with the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Michael's in Newent in the same year as the founder of the parish, Fr. Bill Boyd SDB, went to his eternal reward. The parish was founded from the existing Salesian parish in Blaisdon and the church formally blessed on December 10, 1960 by the then Salesian provincial, Fr. Thomas Hall SDB. The building of the church was a collaborative effort between priests, lay brothers and the local people, many of whom were volunteers and some of whom became parishioners. A particular characteristic of the parish, built up over many years, reflected these beginnings with the emphasis placed on partnership between priests and laity and between the parish community and the local community.

"At this time of celebrating what has been achieved by these partnerships - the fact that the Church and the parish is still here after more than 65 years of ministry in a beautifully re-ordered building is testimony to their enduring strength. There is also a tinge of sadness, as there is at any time of change, as the parish is transferred from the care of the Salesians of Don Bosco to the Diocese of Clifton.

"The story of Our Lord on the mountain of the Transfiguration may be salient for us to reflect on at this time. In the gospel account the disciples, having witnessed something wonderful in seeing Jesus transfigured at the top of the mountain, wish to build permanent structures for Jesus and themselves to reside there. Jesus calmly says no and directs them to return down the mountain back to the uncertainty and messiness of ordinary life because that is where their mission lies.

"I have confidence that the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Michael's will continue its mission to the people of Newent and the surrounding area into the future. Though we can never have absolute certainty, it is possible to look forward in faith and with optimism just as Fr. Bill and the early pioneers did when they embarked upon the building of the church and the establishing of the parish. The parish community and its people will remain in our prayers as you embark on the next stage of this journey of mission."

Good health and every blessing in your well-deserved retirement, Fr Aidan!

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