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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

Faith, Fun & Family in the Heart of Battersea

Faith, Fun & Family in the Heart of Battersea

Posted: Thu, 28 Sep 2017 15:44

Br Ste Lloyd SDB describes the new summer scheme which revived a Salesian tradition in London this year.

This summer the Salesian community and Sacred Heart Parish in Battersea rekindled the long tradition of summer schemes in the London area. With the support of the Salesian Youth Ministry department, we offered 30+ young people, aged 8-16, a week of Faith, Fun and Family.

Each day our scheme started with a Salesian Good morning allowing the young people to reflect on issues that were relevant over the summer. The day continued with an educative session delivered by experts in their field: a big thank you to Sandy Fairley, James Trewby and Bro Greg SDB for their input. After this, the young people were free to roam about the many activities and join in with planned games like football, basketball, parachute and so on. On the Thursday of the week, we took the young people to Battersea park for a day in the adventure playground: I don't know who had more fun, the kids or the volunteers!

Speaking of our volunteers, they all brought life, energy, joy and love to the young people of Battersea this summer. The SDB community noted how dedicated and experienced each volunteer was! Thank you! We hope you enjoyed your "Wicked" treat on Friday night!

After a long settling in period here in Battersea, this summer was a great sign that Don Bosco's oratory is still very much alive in London, even after 125 years! We will continue, over these next 125 years, to grow, support and pray for and with every young person in the Heart of Battersea and beyond.

Please enjoy the video!

Bro Ste Lloyd SDB

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