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News from Nairobi: SDB ordinations & catching up with a friend

News from Nairobi: SDB ordinations & catching up with a friend

Posted: Fri, 26 May 2017 22:57

News from Nairobi: SDB ordinations & catching up with a friend

(Pictured: Br Joe Dao and Fr Francis with two of the new Salesian priests)

It's always a delight to hear from Fr Francis Preston SDB in Kenya, but his latest news is especially joyful as he tells us about the recent ordinations of Salesians in Nairobi, and updates us on our friend, Br Joe Dao.

Last week, Brother Joseph Dao made the long journey by road to Nairobi to be present for the priestly ordination of two of his former Vietnamese student companions, Fr Peter and Fr Joseph. Two other companions who are also working as missionaries in different parts of Africa were among the 17 students from Don Bosco Utume who were ordained deacons at the same ordination ceremony last Friday at the Salesian Church of Mary Help of Christians in central Nairobi.

Br Joe travelled to the UK from Vietnam as part of Project Europe. He spent several months at Battersea learning English before joining the Community and the Retreat Team at Savio House, Bollington where he worked for over two years. Last year Br Joe was transferred to the Africa Great Lakes Province and in October 2016 he travelled to Uganda where he is now working as the Bursar/Administrator of one the local communities.

Fr Francis forwarded this report on the ordinations from Sebastian Koladiyil (Social Communications AFE):

On 19th May 2017, in Nairobi, Kenya, three priests and eighteen Deacons were ordained by Rev. Bp. Philip Angolo of Homa Bay at the Shrine of May Help of Christians, Nairobi Kenya. The Three Priests were one from Kenya and two from Vietnam.

The Deacons were three from Ghana, one from Mali, four from Kenya, one from Zimbabwe, one from Uganda, one from Zambia, one from Malawi, two from Nigeria, two from Vietnam, one from Myanmar and one from Togo. It was a great day the Salesian Africa as the newly ordained minsters were born. In his sermon Bishop Angolo said, "You are chosen, given this special privileged place and this choice comes with special responsibility to serve the people of God. You will face problems and struggles, but the Lord who called you will make every difficulty small if you go to him with your problems."

Over 70 priests, Salesians and non-Salesians were concelebrated in the Mass in addition to many religious and laity.
It was a beautiful celebration with lot of singing and dancing typical of any African celebrations. After the liturgy, everyone was invited for lunch. The celebrations continued into late evening.

We wish the newly ordained a very fulfilling service in the vineyard of the Lord.

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