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News from India - Art Exhibition is a great success!

News from India - Art Exhibition is a great success!

Posted: Thu, 2 Mar 2017 15:30

News from India - Art Exhibition is a great success!

Fr Andrew Ebrahim sends us an update on the very first art exhibition of the Night School and Don Bosco Ashalayam, Kolkata


The art exhibition  went ahead as planned on Monday 13th February. Initially it was to be just for the Don Bosco Night School boys but when the Don Bosco Ashalayam boys showed an interested we included their work too.


The exhibition ran from 4pm - 7pm and was opened by a government minister because we wanted to raise the profile of the exhibition. It was the first art exhibition that the boys have had and so we wanted to make it a memorable experience for them. The look of surprise and wonder on their faces was priceless. The night school have promised to make this an annual event and some of the money that was sent to me will be kept aside for art materials for next year's exhibition.


This year we only exhibited the work of those who showed an interest in art and who came for the art workshops but next year all boys will be encouraged to submit something, in fact one lad has already drawn a picture for next year without even being asked!


We had a mix of people who turned up for the occasion including a lady from the Kolkata Art House. The students from Salesian School, Chertsey, who were here at the time, threw themselves completely into preparations for the exhibition and, as you will see from the photos, dressed up for the evening!

Particular thanks must go to Fr Jose, Fr Bikash and Fr Anil who made the whole event possible. Mary Chowdhury worked with me on the exhibition and without her hard work and commitment Monday evening may not have happened. I am very grateful to all the staff of Don Bosco Park Circus who helped to setup the room for us.

Looking forward to seeing pictures of next year's Art Exhibition!






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