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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

We 'dare to share' news from our Missions Office!

We 'dare to share' news from our Missions Office!

Posted: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 16:36

We 'dare to share' news from our Missions Office!

We were intrigued by the title of the recent meeting of Salesian Mission Offices in Rome 'Dare to Share', so a chat with Fr Kieran Anderson, our Mission Director, was in order.

Fr Kieran explained that this theme is applicable on so many levels. As the first task of the Mission Office is to make the work of the Salesian Missions known to the Salesian Family and the Church, sharing news of the many good things that are happening in Salesian work around the world is essential. Our plan for this year at Salesian Link is to strengthen our communication about the work of the Missions, but each of us can do small things to contribute, for example, sharing stories we put on social media or chatting to friends about the works we have heard about.

A willingness to share resources is vital to allow the work of the Missions to thrive and grow. Many generous and inventive donors and fundraisers within our province share their financial resources to provide much needed support to projects. Our schools have their own connections to projects, and students work hard to raise funds for them. Several of our former BOVA volunteers maintain connections with the projects they served in and organise fundraising for them. Although our Salesian Missionary College which was founded at Shrigley in 1929 has gone, its vision is still fulfilled by the Old Boys and families who continue to support the Missions. We have a 300 Club, administered by the province, where members make a contribution and have the chance of winning a prize in a monthly draw (more about this soon!). Wonderful people are doing wonderful things, and it would be great if more individuals and groups were inspired by them to launch their own fundraising activities.

These days especially, not everyone is in a position to give financial support, but sharing prayer is something we can all do. Don Bosco told us of the great power of prayer, and we are encouraging all of the Salesian Family to join us in the monthly prayer intention for the Salesian Missions, which is closely aligned to the Holy Father's intention for each month. For February, we are asked to pray for the Salesians of the Americas, that they may keep alive in their hearts the love of poor youth.

Sharing our faith, sharing the joyful messages of the Gospel is another level of this theme. At the meeting, the Rector Major highlighted the cheerfulness and joyful optimism of the Salesian charism as something we dare to share. This approach enables Salesians to enter the world of the young and allows them to be touched by their experience.

The meeting in Rome was attended by representatives from the 30 Provinces who have established Missions Offices. There are 99 Salesian Provinces across the world, and the Rector Major's aim is that there should be a Mission Office in every Province.

What else can we dare to share for the Salesian Missions? We can share our time and our skills through the Salesian volunteer programmes. We can share our compassion and friendship by letting Mission projects know we are thinking of them and praying for them. Can you think of other ways we can dare to share for Salesian Missions?

If you would like to support Salesian Missions in any way, email Fr Kieran Anderson, phone 01204 600720 or write to him at Provincial Office

Tags: Salesian Missions, Salesians of Don Bosco