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Battersea & Chertsey students get to know Don Bosco

Battersea & Chertsey students get to know Don Bosco

Posted: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 12:57

Battersea & Chertsey students get to know Don Bosco

Year 7 pupils from Salesian School, Chertsey and St John Bosco College, Battersea met at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre recently for a joint study day on Don Bosco and Salesian work around the world. RE staff from both schools were involved as were Fr Saju, Fr Cyril and Fr Peter Pagac.

Henry Allinson of Salesian School Chertsey tells us what they did:

On Thursday the 7th of July, a group of year 7s from Battersea and Chertsey got together to talk about the work of Salesians from different countries. We all really enjoyed it and we learnt a lot. We talked about the life of Don Bosco. We also saw Don Bosco's chasuble.

At the start, we all showed each other our different power points about Salesians in different countries. We learnt a lot and we added to our knowledge of Salesians in different parts of the world. We all got on very well and we were all very excited. After that, we read some of the writings of Don Bosco and we identified the key point in his life which influenced his priests and us today. We then realised that he mainly looked after children because they are the people he saw in his dream with Mary and Jesus. We now know that he couldn't always get the attention of people, so he had to perform in front of his friends whilst telling the Gospel. We analysed whether we were following his teachings today or whether or not we were doing what Don Bosco did almost two hundred years ago.

After that, we had recreation time where we played and chatted to our new friends. We then went back to the parish centre, where we chose our favourite quote from either St Francis de Sales or St John Bosco. After that, we wrote these quotations on a blank bookmark with a sharp stick and fresh blue ink. We put green ribbons on it and we then used it as a book mark. Next, we went into the church where we were blessed by a relic of Don Bosco, and we were allowed to look at the chasuble that he wore himself. We sat inside the church where we prayed for our friends and family. We were led out where we were given a generous gift of a Don Bosco keyring, made by Fr Saju. We then waved goodbye and we then we returned home.

Every one really enjoyed the day, and we learnt many new facts that we never knew before. We all really benefited from this trip and we now know how to be better Christians.

Henry Allinson

Tags: Battersea, Chertsey, Homepage, Salesian Schools, Salesians of Don Bosco