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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

Weekend for young Brothers in formation

Weekend for young Brothers in formation

Posted: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 14:27

Weekend for young Brothers in formation

June 16th - 19th is a weekend that will be remembered by each of the young brothers in formation this year, not only those in the GBR Province but also the Irish province.

Frs Kieran and Konrad, the people responsible for formation, organised a joint weekend in Northern Ireland for those in initial formation. This included; 3 Polish, 3 Vietnamese, 2 Maltese, 2 Irish, 1 Scot and 1 Englishman.

The weekend was coordinated by Fr Hugh, a SMA priest living in South Africa but currently preaching retreats in Europe. Fr Hugh spoke to us about the gift of celibacy and how we should be aware and proud of our celibate state and also our sexuality.

Fr Kieran in his very witty style commented on the weekend by saying ''we thought we were getting sex in the city, but end up with celibacy in the countryside".

Our time together was one of great insight, inspiration and most importantly, brotherhood.

A remark was made that this type of event should become a regular occurrence in the formation diary. There is something special about young Salesians being able to gather together to be open and frank without the watchful eye of the formators.

We all truly enjoy this experience even if some of us had to drive a 10 hour journey in gale force wind and rain. I'm sure we shall be rewarded in heaven...

Bro Ste Lloyd

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