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Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday

Posted: Fri, 20 May 2016 14:52

Trinity Sunday

There's close - good friends.

There's closer still - best buds, best friends, whatever you want to call it.

Then there's the closest ever - spouse, children, significant other, etc.

And then there's beyond close - The Holy Trinity.

Get it? Maybe.

The Gospel reading illustrates to us just how closely intertwined the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are. What binds them? Love.
Love. That just trips off the tongue, but in practice it's not so easy because often my needs come in the way. That is just what makes the relationship of love of the Holy Trinity different. Their movement of love is completely focused on the other. It is there that the perfect relationship exists - how could it not be.

This is what we are called to. A deep loving relationship that is focused on the needs of the other in our own lives. And this love comes from the deep, deep love that we each receive from God.


But we are not, and that is why our relationships often don't perfectly reflect the loving relationship within the Holy Trinity. Before we all go off and slit our wrists in despair, let's remember that it is in the effort of loving others that we draw closer to them and to God Himself until the day when we are called into perfect union with Him in heaven.

So the Holy Trinity is about love and relationship - oh yes, and about Three in One -

Well, let's leave that mystery until another time!

Fr Andrew Ebrahim SDB

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