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Feast of Blessed Virgin Mary, Help of Christians

Feast of Blessed Virgin Mary, Help of Christians

Posted: Sat, 23 May 2015 07:45

Feast of Blessed Virgin Mary, Help of Christians

Principal Patroness

of the Society of Saint Francis de Sales

of the Institute of Daughters

of Mary Help of Christians

and of the Secular Institute

of the Don Bosco Volunteers

(The feast of Mary, Help of Christians is on May 24, however we are sharing this early due to the feast of Pentecost)

On many occasions throughout the course of history, Christian people have experienced the protection of the Virgin Mary. The title of Help of Christians, which Don Bosco associated with that of Mary Mother of the Church, is an indication of the special intervention of Mary in the most difficult trials of personal human life, of the Church and of the whole human family.
The liturgical celebration was instituted by Pope Pius VII in gratitude for Mary's intervention in a critical period in the history of the Church. Driven out by violence from the See of Rome and held as a prisoner for five years, the Pontiff had implored the help of Mary and had invited all Christians to do the same. Contrary to all expectations he was freed and returned to his See on 24 May 1814.


Mary Help of Christians

The title of Help of Christians, attributed to the august Mother of the Saviour, is not something new. In the holy books themselves Mary is spoken of as the Queen who stands at the right hand of her Divine Son, clothed in gold and surrounded with variety. This golden vesture and radiant surroundings, according to the spirit of the Church, are so many gems and diamonds, or titles, we are accustomed to use in addressing Mary. And so when we call the holy Virgin "Help of Christians", we are only using a special title which befits her, as one of the diamonds on her golden garment. In this sense Mary has been greeted as the Help of the human race from the earliest ages of the world when Adam, after falling into sin, was promised a liberator, to be born of a woman, who would crush the head of the insidious serpent by her sinless foot.
This great woman, indeed, is symbolised in the tree of life which existed in the earthly paradise; in the ark of Noah which saved in the adorers of the true God from the universal deluge; in Jacob's ladder which reached up to heaven; in Moses' bush which burned but was not consumed, and which is an allusion to Mary who remained a virgin after childbirth; in the ark of covenant; in the tower of David which resisted all assaults; in the rose of Jericho; in the sealed fountain; in the garden, well cultivated and guarded by Solomon, she is symbolised in an outpouring of blessings; in Gideon's fleece. Elsewhere she is called the star of Jacob, splendid as the moon, noble as the sun, rainbow of peace, pupil of God's eye, rising dawn of consolations, Virgin and Mother of her Lord. These symbols and expressions which the Church applies to Mary manifest the providential designs of God, which he willed to make known even before her birth, as the firstborn of all creatures, the most excellent protectress, help and support and even redresser of the evils to which the human race is subject.
In the New Testament is it not only with symbols and prophecies that she is referred to as the helper of mankind in general, but she is also called the help, the support and defence of Christians; and this no longer in figures, no longer in symbolic expressions; in the Gospel everything is reality and fulfilment of the past. Mary is greeted by the archangel Gabriel who calls her 'full of grace'. God gazes upon the surpassing humility of Mary and raises her to the dignity of Mother of the Eternal Word. Jesus, the immense unfathomed God, becomes the Son of Mary. Of her he is born; by her he is educated and fostered, the Eternal Word made flesh obedient in all things to his noble Mother. At her request he works his first miracle at Cana in Galilee; on Calvary she was constituted the Mother of all Christians. The Apostles took her as their guide and teacher of virtue. With her they gathered in the Cenacle to pray; with her they awaited in recollection the coming of the Holy Spirit. To the Apostles she addressed her last words before her glorious flight to heaven.

And from the height of her throne of glory she turns her motherly gaze on mankind, saying: "From this highest glorious throne I Enright with blessings those who love me and enhance with heavenly favours their treasures of grace. And hence there began from the time of her Assumption into heaven the constant and uninterrupted convergence of Christians on Mary, nor has it ever been said - as St Bernard tells us – that anyone ever had trusting recourse to this loving Mother and was left forsaken. This is why every century, every year, every day, and we may say every moment in history has been marked by some great favour granted to those who have invoked her with faith. This too is the reason why every kingdom, every city and town, every family has a church, a chapel, an altar, a statue, a picture or some other sign which calls to mind the universal veneration for Mary, and at the same time recalls some of the many graces granted to those who have had recourse to her in life's necessities.

Lord, our God, you chose the Virgin Mary to be the mother and help of Christians; by her prayers give to the Church the strength of your Spirit so that with patience and love its members may overcome every trial and share even now in the victory of Christ, your Son. He lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.

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