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July is month of festivals, fun and (hopefully) sun. Just in case it rains, you can keep the young people in your life occupied by taking a look at our selection of children's books, including some activity books. Or treat yourself to a good read while relaxing in the sun.

Feast of Saints Louis Versiglia & Callistus Caravario

Feast of Saints Louis Versiglia & Callistus Caravario

Posted: Wed, 25 Feb 2015 08:27

Feast of Saints Louis Versiglia & Callistus Caravario

Saints Louis Versiglia,


and Callistus Caravario,


Salesian Protomartyrs

Louis Versaglia, born at Oliva Gessi, Pavia, 5 June 1873, entered the Valdocco Oratory at the age of 12 years, and there got to know Don Bosco. He was ordained priest in 1895 and for some years was Master of Novices at Genzano, Rome. In 1906 he led the first Salesian missionary expedition to China, fulfilling a repeated prophecy of Don Bosco. In 1918 the Salesians received from the Vicar Apostolic of Canton the mission of Shiu Chow. Fr Louis Versiglia was appointed Vicar Apostolic, and on 9 January 1921 was consecrated Bishop. He was a true pastor, totally dedicated to his flock. He gave the Vicariate a sound structure with a seminary, formation houses, planning himself various residences and homes for the elderly and those in need. He took particular care in the formation of catechists. He writes in his notes: "The missionary who prays a great deal will also do a great deal." Like Don Bosco he was a model of work and temperance

Callistus Caravario was born at Cuorgné, Turin, 8 June 1903. He was a pupil at the Oratory of Valdocco. In 1924, while still a cleric, he left for China as a missionary. He was sent to Macao, and then two years later to the island of Timor, edifying everyone with his kindness and apostolic zeal. On 18 May 1929, having returned to Shiu Chow, Bishop Versiglia ordained him a priest and entrusted to him the mission of Linchow. In a short time he visited all the families and gained the affection of the youngsters in the schools. Meanwhile, in China the politic situation was becoming very tense and especially for the Christians and the foreign missionaries. Persecutions began.

In February 1930, Bishop Versiglia and Fr Caravario travelled together on a pastoral visitation of the Linchow mission. On the journey, on 25 February, a group of communist pirates stopped the Bishop's boat, trying to seize the three catechists who were on the missionaries boat. The Bishop and Fr Caravario opposed them with all their strength, in order to defend the safety and the virtue of the three young Christian women. They were forcefully beaten and shot at Li Thau Tseui, near the Lin Chow river. Paulo VI recognised their martyrdom in 1973. John Paul II numbered them among the Blessed on 15 May 1983 and canonised them on 1 October 2000

Almighty and merciful God, you gave to your holy martyrs, Bishop Louis and Father Callistus, the strength to fight to the death to proclaim the Gospel and defend human dignity; grant that we, your loyal followers, may imitate their testimony with persevering faith and assiduous charity. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

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